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March 11th, 2009 — Mauritius, People
Holi is an ancient festival of India and was originally known as ‘Holika’. The festivals finds a detailed description in early religious works such as Jaimini’s Purvamimamsa-Sutras and Kathaka-Grhya-Sutras. Historians also believe that Holi was celebrated by all Aryans but more so in the Eastern part of India.
It is said that Holi existed several centuries before Christ. However, the meaning of the festival is believed to have changed over the years. Earlier it was a special rite performed by married women for the happiness and well-being of their families and the full moon (Raka) was worshiped.
Living in Mauritius, understanding one of the festivals of the majority of Hindus is a must. This year Holi is celebrated on the 11th March. I would even say, that it is more important for a non Hindu to understand the purpose behind the celebration that the Hindus themselves. The majority just lives it, it is in their psyche. This is a very special day for Bhojpuri speakers, who constitute by far the greatest part of our Indian origin population. Often we talk about the opposition between Bhojpuri speaking and the others: Tamils, telegus and marathis. This might be an explanation , as to the non proclamation of Holi as a public Holiday in Mauritius.
Holi (referred to as Phagwa in Bhojpuri), also called the Festival of Colours, is a popular Hindu spring festival observed in India, Suriname, Guyana, Trinidad, the UK,and Nepal. In West Bengal of India and Bangladesh, it is known as Dolyatra (Doljatra) or Boshonto Utsav (“spring festival”).
The main day, Holi, also known as Dhulheti, Dhulandi or Dhulendi, is celebrated by people throwing coloured powder and coloured water at each other. Bonfires are lit the day before, also known as Holika Dahan (death of Holika) or Chhoti Holi (little Holi). The bonfires are lit in memory of the miraculous escape that young Prahlad had when Demoness Holika, sister of Hiranyakashipu, carried him into the fire. Holika was burnt but Prahlad, a staunch devotee of Lord Vishnu, escaped without any injuries due to his unshakable devotion. Holika Dahan is referred to as Kama Dahanam in Andhra Pradesh.
Holi Pooja takes place a day before the Holi Festival. This day is called as ‘Holika Dahan’. There is no special pooja performed on the Holi day. This day is only meant for celebrations and play of colors. Holika Dahan is the major ritual performed at the time of Holi which is also considered an important Holi Puja. People light bonfires on the eve of Holi festival to celebrate the victory of ‘good’ over ‘bad’ which is called Holika Dahan.
Holi Pooja Process or Holika Dahan Process
Holika Dahan preparations begin almost 40 days before the festival. People start gathering woods on the important crossroads of the city. Holi Pooja or Holika takes place on an auspicious time in the evening a day before the Holi festival. Given below are the steps and rituals for the Holi Pooja:
- Holi Pooja can be performed at any place.
- A log of wood is kept at a prominent public place on the Vasant Panchami day.
- People extend the log centre with twigs, dried leaves, branches of trees and other combustible material.
- On the day of Holika Dahan, an effigy of Holika and Prahlad is placed on the huge heap of woods.
- Effigy of Holika is made of combustible material while Prahlad’s effigy is made of non-combustible material.
- On the eve of Holi, the heap is set alight and the people chant Rakshoghna Mantras of the Rig Veda to cast away the evil spirits.
- Left over ashes are collected by people next morning. These ashes are considered holy and are smeared on the limbs of the body as Holi Prasad.
- Smearing of body limbs is an act of purification.
Holi Pooja is performed in a different manner in some communities. Marwari women offer Holi puja in the afternoon and evening i.e. before setting fire to ‘Holika’. It is called ‘Thandi Holi’. The whole puja process is considered very auspicious for the married women. It ensures well-being and healthy life of their husband.
March 10th, 2009 — Mauritius, Messe

Dans peu de temps, l’Eglise catholique recevra les reliques du Saint Suaire de Turin. Un événement significatif pour certains, mais surtout pour d’autres une preuve tangible de la venue de Jésus sur terre.
Toute histoire scientifique dernière l’authentiquassions du linceul est une épopée fort intéressante. J’ai lu avec grand plaisir sur wikipedia le sujet et je m’en réjouis.
Déjà les reliques du Saint Suaire a produit un miracle chez moi. L’arrivée imminente a provoqué en moi le désir de lire sur le sujet. La lecture m’a donné une plus grande conviction que Christ est bien venu sur terre et que Son incarnation est source du salut de l’humanité. J’ai pu imaginer et vivre en pensee la grande douleur et la terrifiante passion que Jésus Christ a subie. N’est ce pas la, une preuve de l’amour infini qu’il nous offre gratiutement.
J’ai vu le visage du Christ, par le négatif révéler sur son linceul. Quel bonheur ! Une foi plus grande du Christ ressuscité qui nous sauve.
Jean Paul II : « Le Saint Suaire nous présente Jésus au moment de sa plus puissance et il nous rappelle que le salut du monde entier se trouve dans l’anéantissement de cette mort. Le Saint Suaire devient ainsi une invitation à vivre toute expérience, y compris, celle de la souffrance et de la suprême impuissance, avec l’attitude de celui qui croit que l’amour miséricordieux de Dieu vainc toute pauvreté, toutes limites, toute tentation de désespoir. »
March 9th, 2009 — Mauritius, Reflexion
Qu’on le veuille ou non, la revendication identitaire devient à son tour une «question maudite ». Comme source de violence potentielle, risque latent, menace pour la paix, elle s’est substituée aux deux périls qui ont ensanglante le xxe siècle : le nationalisme et l’idéologie, Nous sommes passes insensiblement d’une politique de l’idéologie à une politique de l’identité. Le danger n’est pas moindre, mais le changement est d’importance. D’une façon générale, les classifications de jadis, fondées sur le social (riches, pauvres, salaries, patrons), s’effacent pour laisser place a des classifications identitaires (religion, sexualité, langue, culture).
Un tel glissement est accéléré, répétons-le, par la dislocation des cohésions nationales et l’affaiblissement corrélatif des Etats. Or, quand elle est en détresse, l’identité devient guerrière. Contrairement a ce qu’affirme Samuel Huntington, ce durcissement n’à rien avoir avec un «choc des civilisations ». Sa nature est plus profonde, plus intime, transculturelle, pourrait-on dire. II tient au fait que l’identité, des lors qu’elle veut retrouver sa consistance, s’applique spontanément a designer un ennemi. On rejoint ici les thèses sur la violence du Français Georges Sorel (1847-1922), ou plus nettement encore celles de l’Allemand Carl Schmitt. Dans l’un des rares textes publies en français de son vivant, La Notion de politique (1972), ce dernier (qui adhérai a l ‘idéologie nazie) l’affirme sans détour: «La distinction spécifique du politique, a laquelle peuvent se ramener les actes et les mobiles politiques, c’est la discrimination de l’ami et de l’ennemie.
Ce passage du livre de Jean Claude Guillebaud m’interpelle beaucoup. Plus j’y pense, plus je pense à ce
Peuple de Maurice dites ‘Creole’ qui se cherche une identité et une reconnaissance.
D’autre part, je tire également un parallèle aux autres communautés dites d’origine indienne qui également se cherchent et ont le besoin de se reconnaitre différents des autres par leur origines, soit de langues et de cultures.
Guillebaud poursuit sa thèse en invoquant le concept de ‘thymos’ : une dimension de la conscience- besoin de reconnaissance, plus proche d’une revendication identitaire.
Dans le monde d’aujourd’hui, je postule une expansion de l’individualité qui a besoin de se reconnaitre comme tel et accepte de moins en moins d’être soumis à une classification identitaire d’antan.
Hélas, je vois que trop souvent le glissement accéléré par la dislocation des cohésions nationales est en train d’opérer dans notre ile.
‘Aussi longtemps que les hommes vivent sans un pouvoir commun qui les tienne tous en respect, ils sont dans cette condition qui se nomme guerre, et cette guerre est gurre de chacun contre chacun’. Thèse de Thomas Hobbes dans ‘le Leviathan’.
Que devons faire pour trouver une nouvelle cohésion ?
‘La subsistance de notre nation, et sa croissance pour garantir le bien-être de nos enfants’ seraient elle une guerre suffisamment compulsive, qui pourrait galvaniser notre nation pour une cohésion accrue ?
March 7th, 2009 — Entrepreneurship, Mauritius
You probably saw on the newspapers that the Government of Mauritius has appointment a consultant to brand Mauritius. I record the last article on L’Express on the 5th February 2009.
Who is this firm how do they operate? What is their track record?
We are now in the business of Nation Branding.
By definition, all emerging industries are very creative but also very chaotic, and it is hard to find the trend-setting individuals among the booming chaos. But at Nation-Branding we thought it would be interesting to end the 2008 year with a special feature with some names to a field which is not only rising, but is also somewhat surrounded by secrecy.
I found of the net a list of the 10 most influential nation building experts and our chosen expert is on the list.
Fiona Gilmore is one of the leading experts and authors on brands and branding. She co-founded Springpoint, a global brands and corporate identity consultancy, with its headquarters in London. In 2003 she founded the country-branding consultancy Acanchi and has worked in initiatives with the authorities in the Dominican Republic, Lebanon, Zambia, Bahrain, the Isle of Man, Lebanon, Mauritius, Wales, Northern Ireland, Belfast, Britain, Hong Kong, and the Blue Mountains of Australia.
I am reading the publication of the repositioning of Spain by Fiona in 2001.
Most of the time, you get what you ask for? I wonder what was asked for in this case. What were the deliverables asked for by our government?
Let us hope for the best.
March 5th, 2009 — Uncategorized
Last week , I was discussing with a friend who had difficulties with her partner. Now reading through The Secret, I have found the appropriate text to advise and help her.
The Secret to Relationships
· When you want to attract a relationship, make sure your thoughts, words, actions, and surroundings don’t contradict your desires .
· Your job is you. Unless you fill yourself up first, you have nothing to give anybody.
T Treat yourself with love and respect, and you will attract people who show you love and respect.
W When you feel bad about yourself, you block the love and instead you attract more people and situations that will continue to make you feel bad about you.
· Focus on the qualities you love about yourself and the law of attraction will show you more great things about you.
· To make a relationship work, focus on what you appreciate about the other person, and not your complaints. When you focus on the strengths, you will get more of them.
Extracted from The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
February 26th, 2009 — Environment, Uncategorized
je vous demande de visionner le video de Joel de Rosnay sur l’incinerateur de la Chaumière.
Maurice l’île durable, que devons nous faire?
Il nous demande de nous mobiliser. Demandons que le tri soit fait afin de nous preserver de la dioxine.
February 25th, 2009 — Uncategorized
un Morisien basé a Toronto, Ontario Canada ecrit:
L’Université York et notre petit collectif créole mondial , Nous préparons une vidéo-conférence pour le mois d’avril . Le thème est La creolisation de la musique dans le monde.
Quand pensez vous? Que veut dire Kreolisation pour toi? Assurément le terme Kreolisation, non seulement n’est pas décliné de la même façon par chaque personne d’entre nous; il pourrait être interpréter une façon différente. D’où l’intérêt de l’organisation de cette manifestation.
Kreole pour certains veux signifier dans le terme d’antan: descendants de colons nés hors de la métropole.
Pour d’autres Kreolisation est egal a métissage, ou brassage des cultures. Enrichissement par la diversité.
Personnellement, je suis fier d’être le fruit ou le produit un bouillon de culture. Je retire beaucoup de richesse de ma multi-culturisme. Je peux entrevoir une réalité a travers des prismes culturels différents et cette vision élargît mon champ de action. Ainsi je pense être plus créatif que d’autres qui reste collé a une culture. Peuple Kamaleon peut être? mais assurément plus versatile au changement. Le changement n’est il pas un constant?
Vive la richesse de la diversite.
February 24th, 2009 — Uncategorized
Dans le réseau de l’APM, j’ai eu le privilège de voir la vidéo d’une conférence tenu le 4 février de Marc Touati qui a été invité pour parler de la crise du moment et surtout son dénouement.
La comparaison du traitement des Américains de la crise contre les européens de Marc Touati est très parlante. Je comprends mieux pourquoi le dollar US garde sa valeur contre Euro. L’incidence de la crise sur les zones Dollars et Euro sont analyses par lui avec une lucidité déconcertante. La baisse de prix du pétrole et les matières premières sont également traitée par lui. Il ose donner sa vision de l’évolution de la crise. D’ici l’automne 2009, nous devrions etre deja au debut une sortie de crise.
En accédant sur son web, il vous est possible de voir son discours sur ce sujet d’actualité.
Je le trouve généreux de mettre ses conférences gratuit sur son site. Merci Marc Touati.
J’ai eu a prendre sa patience en peine, pour voir tous ces vidéos, avec mon ADSL. Le bonheur de l’avoir vu et écouté Marc récompense largement ma douleur en patience.
Je dirai que j’ai fais chou gras en ce mardi….journée des réjouissances avant un temps de carême.
February 12th, 2009 — Uncategorized
A friend who like me, has retired from work, sent me this quote:
Owners of capital will stimulate working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks which will have to be nationalized and State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism.
Karl Marx, Das Kapital, 1867
Is that what happened in the United States of America recently?
The banks are near bankruptcy now and the governments have to bail them out to save a financial crash. The nationalization has not happened yet and is not likely to happen although the governments are dishing out cash with strings attached and need of reporting.
Today, I saw the public admission of guilt of the President of the City Bank group regarding the lavish expenses which the company were supporting whilst on the other hand begging the Government for help. He has since cancelled the order of the executive jet and the executives are now travelling with commercial aircraft.
I do hope that the incentive package of Obama gets through and more importantly the world economy would be back in better state.
February 11th, 2009 — Family stories, Mauritius
Four decades of a flying giant
The very first time I flew in a B747 was sometime in 1970. Air India for whom I was working for invited me to sample this enormous aircraft compared to the B707, that regularly serviced the Bombay –Mauritius run.
I flew from Bombay to Delhi on the inaugural flight.

The original Boeing 747 was so big that airports had to be adapted to accommodate it. Hangars were enlarged to fit the tail-fin, while tow-trucks and stairs on the taxiway had to be changed. The turbofan engines were more powerful and quieter than jet engines. There were 16 wheels – twice the normal – to spread the weight.
Passengers in economy class had a greater sense of space because there were twin aisles and higher storage cabins. Travellers in first class had access to a cocktail bar up a spiral staircase. Pilots (two plus a flight engineer) had to be retrained in new simulators because the cockpit was so high off the ground.
Four decades ago, Boeing’s prototype 747 took to the skies over Washington State for a flight lasting some 75 minutes.
The aircraft, named City of Everett after the location of the factory where it was manufactured, handled well. And so was born the aircraft which has become an icon of the aviation industry and helped bring cheap airline travel to millions of people.
What then made the 747 unique was that it was the first “wide body” aircraft – it had more than one aisle. Today this is the norm for most long haul (and some short haul) aircraft. But at the time it was a big step towards reducing any sense of travelling in a narrow tube, and inducing a sense more equivalent to flying in a large room with high ceilings.
Also new was the upper deck, accessed by a spiral staircase. When the aircraft entered service this was initially a rather exclusive bar for first class passengers – today it is more typically used as an additional business or economy class seating area.
Air Mauritius for a number of years flew the SP versions of the B747 which were on lease from South African Airways which had autonomy of 14 hours of flying. One of the key factors for the sucess of Mauritius as a preferred sunshine holiday for Europeans was the non stop service offered as early as the 70’s by Air Mauritius on a SP B747.