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December 3rd, 2007 — Entrepreneurship, Mauritius
L’économie de la santé est un secteur que nous entrepreneurs à Maurice devrait étudier pour trouver des opportunités. Le cercle des économistes français ont étudié la question et ont publié un cahier.
Déjà dans notre secteur tourisme, une part grandissant des services est orienté vers la santé et le bien-être à travers les centres de spas. Pourrions nous être plus pointu dans le secteur santé ? Comment pourrions nous à Maurice détourner une partie des dépenses de santé des pays riches à être dépensé chez nous ? Pourrions nous offrir à une clientèle nantie des soins dans des établissements de convalescence ? Des pays comme Inde, la Thaïlande offrent déjà des services de santé à l’international avec de la technologie au standard européen.
Je cite un extrait du cahier signé par Marc Guillaume :
Il faut s’attendre à un fort développement de nos dépenses de santé dans les prochaines décennies. Et s’en réjouir, même si cela pose de redoutables problèmes de financement. S’en réjouir d’abord parce que la santé est un bien inestimable. Mais aussi parce que le secteur de la santé, replacé dans l’ensemble de l’économie et dans la perspective de la mondialisation est au cœur des nouvelles orientations d’un développement qualitatif et durable. C’est un moteur de croissance stratégique compte tenu des emplois qui sont liés à ce secteur de services. Et aussi un secteur industriel soumis aux contraintes de compétitivité sur le marché mondial et donc aux enjeux de technologie et de recherche associés à ces contraintes. L’économie de la santé contribue grandement à la santé de l’économie !
Nous montrons en premier lieu que les dépenses de santé s’inscrivent dans la perspective d’un développement qualitatif et durable, en cohérence avec les nouvelles orientations de la croissance. Qu’elles constituent un puissant moteur de croissance compte tenu de la densité des emplois liés à un secteur de services. Compte tenu aussi des contraintes de compétitivité et des enjeux de recherche associés à ces contraintes. En ce sens, certaines dépenses de santé sont aussi des investissements, et des investissements stratégiques. Cette analyse globale est ensuite illustrée et précisée sur un secteur particulièrement important et exemplaire, celui de la pharmacie et des biotechnologies qui est soumis à une intense concurrence mondiale.
Il apparaît ainsi clairement qu’une réflexion sur l’économie de la santé ne peut pas s’enfermer dans le cadre français, ni même européen. L’intensification de la concurrence et des échanges invite à la confrontation des systèmes nationaux et à une réflexion sur la gouvernance mondiale de la santé. C’est pourquoi une contribution de ce Cahier est consacrée au système de santé américain. Elle met en évidence l’importance que les Etats-Unis accordent au secteur de la santé et les spécificités, ainsi que les difficultés, de son financement. En conclusion, ce Cahier s’attache à un thème à la fois essentiel et d’actualité, celui de l’économie des brevets et des médicaments génériques et, plus généralement, celui des urgences sanitaires mondiales.
Marc Guillaume
Avant-propos de Marc Guillaume I. Le paradoxe de la santé Marc Guillaume
II. Déplafonner les dépenses de santé : modalités et conséquences Patrick Artus
III. Les effets de la santé sur la croissance économique Jean-Hervé Lorenzi et Mathieu Baratas
IV. Les nouveaux modèles de l’industrie du médicament Michel Didier
V. Les dépenses de santé aux États-Unis et leur financement Jacques Mistral et Bernard Salzmann
VI. Du bon usage des épidemies : mondialiser le progrès sanitaire Marc Guillaume
December 1st, 2007 — Mauritius, People
Last week at the Rogers house there was the launching of the biography of Amede Maingard, Behind enemy line with the SAS. He was the visionary who founded the Tourism industry and Air Mauritius.
I had the privilege to have known the man and worked for him. Before I finished school because of the friendship which bonded my Dad and Amede Maingard, I was asked by my Dad to go and visit Amede Maingard in his office at Rogers which in those days was at Sir W. Newton Street. It was the 13th December 1966; I met him for the first time. He was a man with a smile on his face with an impressive look. Man of only a few words, I was impressed by the way he would look at me. I would sense a lot of sympathy in his glance whilst at the same time I could make out that he was a great strategist with a calculating mind. On that very day, I joined Rogers & company where I spent 38 years of enjoyable service until my retirement.
Amede Maingard commands respect as he would only express his views after having heard all the opinions and done his own thinking. Always calm in his manners, he was a no time waster. He was the authority and would not accept to be contradicted. His war years gave him an aversion to anything German. I recall how he reacted when we spoke of the operation of Lufthansa to Mauritius. He left this world too early and did not see the fruit of his work at Air Mauritius with the operations of B747 SP and the boom of the Tourism industry in the years past the 80’s. He planted the seeds, saw to it that the buds got off the ground but did not live to see the fruit of his determination and vision.
November 30th, 2007 — Chinois, Mauritius
There are two countries that interest me both for more or less the same reasons: They cover both vast area of the globe, and are the biggest countries in population head counts; they are both countries where economic growth are the highest this decade, India is geographical near Mauritius and China is my country of birth. With different political systems, both nations have chosen different paths to solve their respective challenges.
I am tracking these two countries by reading what I can grab on them either on the BBC, the media or any where else.
Recently I found a weekly economic digest on the happenings in the 2 countries on a pod cast: – Radio BFM’s Chine Hebdo & Inde Hebdo. Last week’s shows were on the impact of rising demand on Energy, oil & coal for these countries on world ecology and world prices on Energy.
November 26th, 2007 — Chinois, Mauritius, People
In May 1946, my father France Pak Lin got the permission from Grand father to marry Lise Francette Ah Lim on the condition that they would soon after move to China to prepare the grounds for the return of the family back home in China. My grand parents wanted my mother to learn to speak Hakka and to embrace the Hakka culture. Soon after, they boarded a ship to Hong Kong. After a short stay in Hong Kong they traveled to Mei Shien via Swa Tow: sea ferry to the port of Swa Tow from Hong Kong and by a river barge up stream from Swa Tow.
They had never travelled outside Mauritius before. Their knowledge of English and French were helpful. Fortunately, father had many Mauritian friends settled Hong Kong of the like of Edouard Leung and Li Wan Po, who helped them during his transit in Hong Kong.
Poor mother, an island young girl on her first trip to foreign land, pregnant of me, her first child, migrating to a small village in China where she could hardly communicate with the extend family and relatives. It was hard time there. There was no running water nor had any toilet in their home. She had to learn to live in a farm in remote China. The ways and means of living as well as the standard were well below what she was used to before.
When the time of delivery came, mother told me that she was taken on a bicycle from the ancestral home and farm to the hospital managed by German catholic nurses in town. It was in the hospital that I visited in 1999: 52 years later that I was born.
Only a few months after my birth, the situation in South China became unbearable for my parents: they lived the invasion of hooligans in the province and the imminent civil wars reaching the region. Father immediately got me and mother in a flight on a small military aircraft to SwaTow whilst he got on a river barge to the port. That was my inaugural aircraft flight. Then together, all three of us took a sea ferry back to Hong Kong where we stayed for sometime in Wan Chai at St Francis hostel before catching a steamer to Mauritius.
November 22nd, 2007 — Entrepreneurship, Mauritius
What is Islamic banking?
Last week one of my colleagues at the APM club could not attend a seminar because he was attending a curse in South Africa on Islamic banking. I recall a few years ago, my very good friend Eric, was sent to Malaysia to study Islamic banking and financing. Chota also years ago, was involved in setting up investment portfolio of shares from the Mauritius stock exchange that were compliant with Islamic rules. I heard that Chee Peng Tan who I knew years back will be organizing some seminars in Mauritius on the same subject.
The accumulation of the recent events moved me to look closer in the subject and possibly to refresh and upgrade my knowledge thereon. As far as I recall there was a strong element of social equity in the practice of Islamic banking, earning interests on money was not allowed and also there was prohibition in investing in economic activities which were in opposition to the Muslim faith such as: liquor, gambling, pork, drugs.
Admittedly, if Mauritius has aimed to be a world financial center or at least a meaningful regional financial center: the operators have to provide service to this type of funds which are growing in leaps and bounds. Could Mauritian institutions join the Lariba Islamic Banking network? I would well imaging that a large amount of the petro-dollars are invested through Islamic Banking.
What I gathered in summary:
Islam not only prohibits dealing in interest but also in liquor, pork, gambling, pornography and anything else, which the Shariah (Islamic Law) deems Haram (unlawful). Islamic banking is an instrument for the development of an Islamic economic order. Some of the salient features of this order may be summed up as:
- While permitting the individual the right to seek his economic well-being, Islam makes a clear distinction between what is Halal (lawful) and what is haram (forbidden) in pursuit of such economic activity. In broad terms, Islam forbids all forms of economic activity, which are morally or socially injurious.
- While acknowledging the individual’s right to ownership of wealth legitimately acquired, Islam makes it obligatory on the individual to spend his wealth judiciously and not to hoard it, keep it idle or to squander it.
- While allowing an individual to retain any surplus wealth, Islam seeks to reduce the margin of the surplus for the well-being of the community as a whole, in particular the destitute and deprived sections of society by participation in the process of Zakat.
- While making allowance for the ways of human nature and yet not yielding to the consequences of its worst propensities, Islam seeks to prevent the accumulation of wealth in a few hands to the detriment of society as a whole, by its laws of inheritance.
- Viewed as a whole, the economic system envisaged by Islam aims at social justice without inhibiting individual enterprise beyond the point where it becomes not only collectively injurious but also individually self-destructive.
The Islamic financial system employs the concept of participation in the enterprise, utilizing the funds at risk on a profit-and- loss-sharing basis. This by no means implies that investments with financial institutions are necessarily speculative. This can be excluded by careful investment policy, diversification of risk and prudent management by Islamic financial institutions.
It is possible, that investment in Islamic financial institutions can provide potential profit in proportion to the risk assumed to satisfy the differing demands of participants in the contemporary environment and within the guidelines of the Shariah.
The concept of profit-and-loss sharing, as a basis of financial transactions is a progressive one as it distinguishes good performance from the bad and the mediocre. This concept therefore encourages better resource management.
Islamic banks are structured to retain a clearly differentiated status between shareholders’ capital and clients’ deposits in order to ensure correct profit-sharing according to Islamic Law.
Could some of the funds handled in Mauritius be ‘Islam finance’ compliant?
I fully subscribe to the statement below which have to be read without any religious undertone:
We Advocate Socially Responsible Investing. We DO NOT Invest in Alcohol Related Businesses, Gambling, Gaming, unhealthy food products and Unethical Activities. We do not invest in Businesses that harm the Environment and that does not treat its employees and customers fairly. We are Sensitive about who we deal with. We scrutinize our customers and investors as to their character and community standing.
November 20th, 2007 — Blogging, Mauritius
Facebook President?
Have you voted yet?
On the French television, this morning, they presented the French candidate. I learn to know more about him so I voted for him. Would you like to do the same thing?
Would anyone dare to be the Mauritius candidate for the president of Facebook? It would be good publicity for Mauritius I guess.
November 12th, 2007 — Entrepreneurship, Mauritius, People
« Nous avons  l’honneur - et le plaisir! - d’être invités encore une fois par Foi et Vie pour une rencontre le jeudi 8 novembre 2007 au Thabor à Beau Bassin à 18h00.Â
 Foi & Vie nous informe que les Mouvements d’Action Catholique auront une rencontre internationale à Malte en octobre 2008 avec comme thème “Les migrations, une chance pour construire des ponts”. En lien avec ce thème, et avec la situation actuelle du pays,, Foi & Vie avait organisé une soirée fin juillet dernier avec Lindsay Rivière suite à son article “Risques et Périls“.
 Pour faire suite à celà , le mouvement Foi & Vie organise la soirée de jeudi prochain avec Maurice Lam, haut cadre du Board of Investment, qui avait pris part au Symposium “Pas blyé nou rasin” le 19 juillet 2006 en prononcant un discours sur “Mauritius – the Global Nation“.Â
[Afin de vous familiariser avec ce sujet, il serait opportun de prendre connaissance de ce discours mais regrette de ne pouvoir vous le communiquer avec ce message. Peut-être pourriez-vous consulter le site de ce Symposium?]
 Foi & Vie compte sur la présence d’un bon nombre de Cadres afin que les partages durant la soirée soient riches et animés! Egalement, pour favoriser une ambiance conviviale, Foi & Vie a la bonne idée de suggérer à chacun de porter son apéritif et ses sandwiches ou autre collation.
 Nous espérons vous voir nombreux à cette rencontre et vous disons merci d’avance pour votre présence! »
J’étais présent à cette rencontre, d’ailleurs ma première, avec Foi & Vie. Je livre ici mes notes de la rencontre que je conserve pour ma mémoire.
Grande était  ma surprise d’avoir eu à adresser la parole à l’assemblée présente, et ce, à la demande du père Gérard Sullivan, pour présenter Maurice Lam. En boutade, je disais que je me voyais comme Jean Baptiste qui annonçait la venue de Jésus. C’était pour mieux situer Maurice Lam qui se dit par la suite, dans son exposé, citoyen du monde, résident à Singapour et qui fait la navette entre sa ville résidentielle, île Maurice, son pays d’origine, New York où vivent & travaillent ses enfants. Consultant international en finance et stratégie, il a quitté île dans les années 75 pour le Canada et les Etats-Unis où il poursuivit ses études à l’université de Columbia. Dans le cadre de son travail, il a résidé et travaillé à Tokyo, Londres et Singapour. Maurice Lam se situe lui-même dans son cadre familial d’un père de foi bouddhiste et d’une mère catholique. Il est fier de l’éducation obtenue dans son enfance et adolescence dans l’île et mit en exergue la contribution des prêtres Avrillon, D’Arifat, Bathfield, et Brown qui lui ont donné un fondement chrétien solide. D’avoir pu se baigner dans ce bouillon de culture et de religions dans l’île lui a donné un esprit d’ouverture et de paix intérieure qui habite toujours en lui, n’ importe où il pourrait se trouver.
Maurice se dit un optimiste par nature et nous livre ses convictions :
            Pourquoi avoir accepté la présidence de la BOI ?
- Motivé par la gratitude qu’il a pour son pays natal, il choisit de servir son pays. Il voudrait également démontrer qu’il est possible de travailler au gouvernement en témoignant d’une façon de faire chrétienne.
- Il a été choisi pour ses qualités professionnelles,  non pas par le jeu d’influence.
-  Il souhaite aider son pays à changer pour une meilleure justice sociale, et pour prendre les orientations qui répondent à l’ère de la mondialisation comme il avait évoqué dans son discours fait précédemment à l’ouverture du symposium.
- Il souhaiterait voir plus de chrétiens qui oeuvrent aux responsabilités de l’état.
- Attendons peu du gouverment, changeons notre facon de penser et de faire.
- Je suis pour une prise en charge de soi,  l’assistanat étant un modele révolu.
-  De mendier des aides et subsides aux pays riches et amis pour subsister est dépassé. Il n’y a plus d’acquis.
- Maurice aura à se réinventer continuellement pour être compétitif dans le marché global.
- De même que nous avons souffert de la concurrence mondiale sur notre main- d’œuvre dans le secteur textile, il y a nul doute que nous subirons le même phénomène dans les industries de services. L’arbitration se fait à l’echelle mondiale.
- Notre insularité et notre éloignement avec les marchés ne sont plus des handicaps dans les services.
- Notre système d’éducation est à revoir et à être reformé de toute urgences. Nous héritons d’un passé lourd qui s’exploserait en une fracture sociale.
- Maurice  Lam semble prôner le libéralisme et crois dans l’arbitrage par la libre concurrence interne et étrangère. Par conséquent, il recommande que l’intervention de l’état soit minimisé pour laisser  aisance et actions  aux innovateurs entrepreneurs non distincts de leur nationalité. En contrepartie, les entrepreneurs ont la responsabilité et des devoirs envers les démunis de la societe. Ils devront créer le climat social propice au développement de tous.
Dans ma lecture de ce jour dans mon livret ‘Magnificat’ :j’ai été agréablement surpris de lire un texte de Mgr Marc Ouellet qui parle de la manière d’agir et de pâtir du citoyen chrétien :
Le disciple qui pratique la justice est transformé par le Christ, sanctifié par l’esprit Saint et mû par la charité. Cela se révèle à la manière d’agir et de pâtir du citoyen chrétien qui par l’éthique des Béatitudes, révèle la dignité christique de tout homme et de toute femme. Sa manière de traiter chaque personne laisse en effet transparaître le christ présent dans son corps en venant à la rencontre de tout homme. Le chrétien qui vit « dans le christ » ne peut donc pas se laver les mains de l’injustice du monde et se réfugier dans le domaine du pur religieux. Â
November 9th, 2007 — Entrepreneurship, Environment, Mauritius
Thomas Friedman, the columnist of the New York Times and Author of ‘The world is flat’ yesterday published on his column on the opportunities that are knocking on the doors of India: a greater jackpot than the Y2K software glitch at the turn of the century. He coined this new phenomenon E2K.
“E2K stands, in my mind, for all the energy programming and monitoring that thousands of global companies are going to be undertaking in the early 21st century to either become carbon neutral or far more energy efficient than they are today. India is poised to get a lot of this work.â€
By the way, I am ever so grateful to the New York Times for having given to the world the possibilities of reading its columns free of charge recently.
Nicolas Sarkozy this morning on his address to the congress of the United States pleaded for the largest economy of the world to attend to resolving the issue of the global warming.
On the other hand, Oil at 100 dollars is imminent. Without fail Carbon emission and efficient energy are the topics of the near future and of tomorrow. Carbon neutral legislation will soon be the name of the game.
The final paragraph of Thomas Friedman’s article, The Dawn of E2K in India, should instill our Mauritian entrepreneurs to look in the direction of Green Consulting, Green designers and Green builders.
“So, mom, dad, tell your kids: if they’re looking for a good stable-growth career — green consultants, green designers, green builders are all going to be in huge demand. And if they can speak a little Hindi — all the better.â€
Why and how can we in Mauritius jump on the bandwagon?
November 8th, 2007 — Mauritius, Reflexion
I returned from Paris last month after having made my ‘must’ visit at FNAC book store. How unfortunate these days that the airlines are very strict about excess baggage? Since I had to carry at the same time my exercise machine, I had to restrict my purchases. Luckily, I brought back four good books all of them written by Philosopher Andre ComteSponville who was awarded Prix La Bruyere of the French Academy and the sponsorship to have my work “Le Petit Traité des grandes vertus†translated in 24 languages. These days, I am slowly savouring the books and exploring his thoughts with relish.
« Mieux vaut enseigner les vertus que condamner les vices. La morale n’est pas là pour nous culpabiliser, mais pour aider chacun à être son propre maître, son unique juge. Dans quel but ? Pour devenir plus humain, plus fort, plus doux. » Extrait Andre Comte Sponville
In our curriculum in Mauritius, I did not have the chance of studying philosophy. Now is the time to fill in the deficit. UNESCO has decreed the 15 November the Philo day and a series of conferences world wide are organized on that day. The City of Port Louis & the Ministry of Arts & culture have joined in the bandwagon in organizing the World Philosophy day in Mauritius. You may thus avail to this opportunity.
November 7th, 2007 — happiness, Mauritius
In a few days time, more precisely next Friday, it will be Diwali again, the festival of light. Year in, year out, we celebrate the victory of Light over Darkness, justice over injustice; we wish our Mauritian brothers and sisters of Indian culture a happy Diwali and much rejoicing. We shall receive Diwali cakes and reciprocate with good wishes.
 I would like to dwell on two aspects: 1. Why is it necessary to have the celebration every year?  2. Why do we need to wish happy Diwali? Â
 If it was natural that Light is always victorious over Darkness, then to make out a day of celebration for it could be wasteful. Just like a living person rejoices that he is breathing yet he does not need to celebrate once a year that he is breathing.  He would rather rejoice every instant of his life.
 Is possible that Light is not always victorious over Darkness and injustice rides on justice?  Let us look around us, do we see more evil than good in the media, newspapers and television? Is the amount of evil that matters? Would it be possible that only one act of goodness, in one go, overshines all the evils of the world? Is it possible that the celebration of Diwali is to remind us that Light can overcome Darkness and that we are asked to make it happen?
 In this line of this thinking “wishing Diwaliâ€takes a refreshed meaning for me. When I offer my wishes what I really mean to the other party: ‘Thank you for making possible the victory of Light over Darkness, the triumph of Justice over injustice, the reign of peace over war and division.’
Happy Diwali to all of you.