Entries Tagged 'Mauritius' ↓
June 2nd, 2007 — Mauritius
As from this week the hunting season has started in Mauritius. Before trying out hunting, I had always disdained this activity thinking of the cruelty of killing a poor animal with a gun and more over calling this activity a sport. After two hunting trips at Bel Ombre hunting ground, I understood the purpose of this activity without which we would not have the joy of tasting venison in Mauritius. The cruelty which seemed to be connoted to this activity could be weighted against the benefits of rearing deer and the conservation of nature. Deer hunting of in essence in Mauritius is a way of preserving nature whilst providing sporting activities and some economic activities. Without being a hunter, I would miss out my delicious cholesterol free red venison if there was no more hunting!
Much light is thrown on this activity with its historic back ground in the issue of the Mauricien this week.
Il était une fois le Cervus timorensis russa…
La saison de la chasse aux cerfs s’est ouverte hier et le restera jusqu’à la fin d’août, quatre mois durant lesquels quelques amateurs pourront ainsi se livrer à leur passion. Alors que, pour la majorité des Mauriciens, ce sera l’occasion de déguster plus aisément ce gibier particulièrement apprécié, une viande ne tombant sous le coup d’aucun interdit d’ordre religieux. Histoire de l’élevage d’un animal dont l’introduction sur l’île date de plus de trois siècles et demi, à l’époque même de l’introduction de la canne à sucre.
C’est en 1639, alors que l’île était gouvernée par le Hollandais Adrian Van Der Steel, que le vaisseau Keppel, en provenance de l’île de Java, débarqua sur l’île les premiers cerfs, à Grand-Port, afin de pourvoir les colons en viande fraîche, après qu’ils eurent exterminé le Dodo. Ces premiers cerfs, de l’espèce des Cervus timorensis russa, sont aujourd’hui encore la seule espèce élevée à Maurice. Après avoir été mis en liberté dans la forêt la plus proche, ils s’adaptèrent si bien à leur nouvel environnement que, une cinquantaine d’années plus tard, le gouverneur Lamothius faisait savoir à ses supérieurs du Cap de Bonne Espérance que, le cerf étant en surabondance, à Maurice, la viande de celui-ci pourrait être conservée par salaison et expédiée en grande quantité au service de la Compagnie.
En 1710, après le départ des Hollandais, les quelques individus mis en liberté au pied de la Montagne du Lion au sud-est de l’île, proliférèrent si bien que les Français, à leur arrivée en 1722 trouvèrent des animaux très gras, principalement dans la région nord-ouest de l’île qui devait devenir Port-Louis. L’extension de la canne à sucre nécessita cependant la migration des cerfs sur les terres avoisinantes et impropres à toutes cultures. La chasse, alors sportive et récréative, était en ce temps pratiquée sans réglementation. Celle-ci devait apparaître quatre ans plus tard, en 1726, concernant notamment la diminution du nombre de chiens utilisés en battues.
En 1749 la chasse sportive est abolie, la viande de cerf devant être disponible en quantité nécessaire au ravitaillement des quelque 120 vaisseaux mouillant annuellement à Port-Louis. Le retour de la chasse récréative, en 1790, voit l’arrivée de nouvelles réglementations, concernant notamment la période durant laquelle elle est autorisée (du 15 mai au 30 août), ainsi que la délimitation des terrains de chasse de chaque propriétaire. De 1790 à 1870, les parties de chasse s’organisent de mieux en mieux. De grandes battues sont mises en place avec la participation de nombreux porteurs de fusils, rabatteurs avec leurs chiens, piqueurs-fusils et autres. Les parties de chasse, qui jusqu’alors duraient une matinée, avec déjeuner sur le mirador, se prolongèrent sur deux jours – les chasseurs couchant dans les bois -, alors qu’apparaît, par ailleurs, une exploitation plus judicieuse des forets avec notamment la création de plaines plus ouvertes.
Vers 1860, les grands propriétaires de chasse ont adjoint à leurs terres celles de la Couronne qui y sont contiguës. Sur leurs vastes domaines où ils détiennent presque tous les droits de chasse, ils mettent en place leur propre réglementation visant à la conservation et à la reproduction de leurs troupeaux : pas d’abattage de biches ou de daguets, certains allant même jusqu’à empêcher l’abattage des trois-cornichons. Sur les hauts plateaux, le développement de hardes de cerfs est à son apogée. Les véhicules circulant entre les 15e et 17e miles, sur la route de Port-Louis à Grand-Port, étaient souvent obligés de s’arrêter pour laisser passer les troupeaux…
Cet apogée des troupeaux cervidés va être suivi d’un déclin dû, en 1878, à la peste bovine, qui va contaminer les cerfs ; à ce fléau va s’ajouter l’expropriation des terres incultes pour le reboisement, ainsi que le morcellement et la location des grandes terres de chasses, sans discernement. Les habitants des hauts plateaux se réveillent chaque matin avec des cadavres de cerfs sur leurs pelouses… Des nouveaux clubs de chasse se forment, mais avec un abattage systématique du gibier sans stratégie de conservation. La population de cerfs, presque complètement décimée, doit sa survie à sa résistance et à son aptitude à s’adapter. À ce constat, au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles, quelques propriétaires souhaitant développer au mieux leurs terres, importent les nouvelles espèces de pâturages que sont le raygrass et l’herbe d’argent (Ishaemum Aristatum L.) Ces propriétaires ayant à cÅ“ur le développement du cerf se regroupent le 25 mai 1921 et forment la “Société des Chasseurs”.
C’est à partir de 1950 que, quelques propriétaires, fatigués de la migration de leurs hardes de part et d’autre de leurs balisages décident de clôturer leurs terres. Ainsi paraissent les premiers élevages extensifs appelés “chassés” avec le suivi du troupeau d’une année sur l’autre, la mise en place des quotas de chasse pour la gestion du nombre et de la qualité du gibier.
Entre-temps, la Première Guerre mondiale et la crise économique de 1929, voient la mise en place d’une réglementation, en 1939, qui oblige de nombreux propriétaires à mettre de la venaison sur le marché pour l’approvisionnement, en viande fraîche, de la population.
May 1st, 2007 — Entrepreneurship, Mauritius, Reflexion
In many countries, May Day is also Labor Day. This originates with the United States labor movement in the late 19th Century, and very much inspired by similar actions taken earlier in Canada. On May 1, 1886, unions across the country went on strike, demanding that the standard workday be shortened to eight hours. The organizers of these strikes included socialists, anarchists, and others in organized labor movements. Rioting in Chicago’s Haymarket Square on May 4th including a bomb thrown by an anarchist led to the deaths of a dozen people (including several police officers) and the injury of over 100 more.
The protests were not immediately successful, but they proved effective down the line, as eight-hour work days eventually did become the norm. Labor leaders, socialists, and anarchists around the world took the American strikes and their fallout as a rallying point, choosing May Day as a day for demonstrations, parades, and speeches. It was a major state holiday in the Soviet Union and other communist countries.
Labor Day is still celebrated on May 1 in countries around the world, and it is still often a day for protests and rallies. In recent years, these have often been targeted against globalization.
May 1st, often called May Day, just might have more holidays than any other day of the year. It’s a celebration of spring. It’s a day of political protests. It’s a neopagan festival, a saint’s feast day, and a day for organized labor. In many countries, it is a national holiday.
Pope Leon XIII and later Pie XI who were very concerned about the condition of workers in the emerging Industrial era gave a Christian dimension to the Labour Day by declaring that the day will be under the Patronage of St. Joseph, the carpenter, father of Jesus. The example of St. Joseph throws a new light to the dignity of labour. Model worker to be followed, according to the Christian teachings, St. Joseph’s work was not only his means to offer his labour for his own betterment and that of his family, the perfection of nature around him and for the progress of the community, also a means to be in union and contributing to the mission of Jesus. Hence the effort of labour becomes a prayer.
I asked a few people: what is the public holiday for according to you? One replied it is Labour Day: a day of rest for the workers. Another one said: Labour day: day for political rallies. None of them thought of the Labour Day as a day of celebration and thanks giving for the work that provides us our sense of usefulness and dignity. Even for me who am, so to say “retired†I do need to have this sense of usefulness, a purpose in life?
I would rather see today as a day of celebration organised by the work force to give themselves a sense of pride & dignity and to discuss their contribution to the betterment of our society.
Bonne Fete a tous!
April 13th, 2007 — Entrepreneurship, Mauritius
I am pleased to read on today’s newspaper that a report of the consultants on Aquaculture was given at a workshop destined to operators in the field. Both l’Express and le Matinal featured reports thereon. From what I have read on various reports of the FAO, Aquaculture will be a growing market of the future. The industry has grown by over tenfold in five years in Greece only.Aquaculture in Turkey is reported to grow even faster! On the other side, the EC has decreased the quota of the catch of wild fish in northern Europe to save the ecology and the eco-system of over exploitation of fish resources. Nature cannot sustain the level in some area and experts fear that some spices of fish may disappear forever. On the other hand the demand for fish is increasing.
The great advantage of Tropical Sea Aquaculture is that due to the higher temperature the rate of growth of the fish is much faster.
What are the main attractions of Mauritius as a world class Tropical Aquaculture center?
1. The sea region of Mauritius is very vast compared to the land region.
2. The sea region is off the polluted seafaring shipping lanes.
3. The industry is new and could be set up with the international norms in respect of the ecological requirement of today.
Idée the consultants commissioned for this study seems to advise that Mauritius could produce an annual 10000 tons of fish within the lagoon of Mauritius by developing expertise in floating nets. At a later stage, the same techniques could be extended to the deeper waters in our territory.Whilst it is necessary to have norms and rules establish by the authorities, I am skeptical to the contribution of the different government bureaucratic institutions to be set up as announced by our minister.
I dream of seeing complete floating farms and processing plants being implemented right in the middle of the Indian Ocean outside the cyclonic zone.
April 10th, 2007 — Mauritius, Reflexion

The very best Easter wishing card I got….At least it gives the essence of the feast we were celebrating.
I saw the bus load of holidayer s and cars filled up to the brim with merry and not so sober passengers driving back from Flic en Flac last night. I could not prevent me from thinking 1. I am pleased to know that so many people are rejoicing for the festivities and 2. I wonder how many of them understand the meaning of this feast.
March 14th, 2007 — Mauritius, Reflexion
Habitant de l’ile Maurice ayant vécu toute ma vie dans le créole, je ne peux pas rester sourd à l’appel que me fait Kréofolies 2007:la célébration du patrimoine créole.
Etant un créophone depuis ma naissance, et utilisant prioritairement le créole comme langage de communication vocale, nous mauriciens, avons le devoir de propager la langue et protéger notre culture. Je salue et félicite les organisateurs des 2 différentes Kréofolies qui rêvent une pan- créole et aurais souhaité une plus grande participation d’autres créophiles.
« Mauritius Bloggers » ayant pour objectif de fédérer l’ensemble des bloggers mauriciens devrait ainsi mentionner et promouvoir les travaux de Kréofolies. Ainsi donc, chers bloggers, maintenant que vous êtes avertis de l’existence de ce blog, je vous demande d’émettre des commentaires sur le blog de Kréofolies.
Pour la petite histoire: Ainsi tu es Kreophone! et bien moi Harris je suis Grammophone…hic hic
March 13th, 2007 — Mauritius, People
Des conversations et échanges autour de notre fête Nationale ont suscité bien de passion et opinions que je respecte. Les uns vivant loin de la terre de leur naissance qui ont fait carrière dans d’autres pays ont un regard différent de Maurice. J’ai trouvé très intéressant de lire à travers des ces échanges la vision et perception des vieux amis tous ayant frottés les mêmes bancs du Collège St Mary’s presque aux mêmes années. Cela m’a fait beaucoup penser aux idées jetées lors de la conférence de la diaspora à Maurice : Pas bliyer nou rasinn. Vivre la différence.
N’ayant pas demandé la permission des interlocuteurs pour publier en public le contenu des opinions et réflexions des uns et des autres, j’ai pris le soin d’enlever les noms des signataires pour leur préserver l’anonymat. Ils me tiendrons pas rigeur ,j’espere.
Subject: Bonne Fete de l’Independance
Je maintiens que les 44% que tu as connu n’existent plus à Maurice ! Je le redis si les mauriciens d’ailleurs ne fêtent pas l’independance , c’est peut être qu’ils ont integrés à 100% leur nouveau pays . D’autres sont mauriciens de coeur et cela ne les empechent de s’engager politiquement dans leurs nouveau pays . Un grand bravo à XXXX . Ce que tu fais est admirable !
Le restant des 44% ont evolue et travaillent pour leurs pays Dans la vie il faut evoluer et le reste appartient à l’histoire qu’il ne faut surtout pas effacer . Ceux qui chantent la marseillaise à Melbourne n’ont pas evolue et en même temps n’ont pas effacé l’histoire car dans zotte disang creole ena 2 ou 3 gouttes francais la dans , ek rhum goodwill dans ce qui rester !
Subject: Bonne Fete de l’Independance
Sorry frere si les 44% n’existent plus en tant que 44% la realite est qu’il y a encore un petit pourcentage qui continue et persiste a dire que ils ne seraient pas en diaspora si il y avait pas eu l’independance. XXXXX ils ne sont pas seulement en Australie , ils sont aussi au pays et fetent aussi le 14 juillet. En plus,il y a aussi des francais qui ne feteront jamais le “Bastille Day”. 39 ans ou 218 ans “no difference” il y a des esprits qui perdurent. Il y a des mauriciens ici et ailleurs qui refusent de feter le 12 mars. Si je fete aujourd’hui le 12 mars XXXX , oui je fete aussi le 1er Juillet, le 14 Juillet, le 24 Mai, le 6 Aout, et le 24 Juin. Quand on a pris des identites multiples, on les celebre tous sans exception. A dire que les 44% n’existent plus ? NON ils ne sont plus 44% c’est tout. XXX nous vivons en democracie oui mais nous avons la chance de nous interesser au monde et nous nous devons de le faire. Sego, Sarko, Bayrou comme tu dis ca fatigue parfois but “hang tough my friend” on en parlera moins dans deux mois.
Mon cher ami…tous les Mauriciens devraient feter la republique a Maurice car 1967 c est le temps margoze…nous avons turn a new leaf…/notre avenir depend de nous ici..de vivre au temps que possible en harmonie…et de voir l’avenir avec esperance…le temps est revolue…il nous faut agir comme une nation envers et contre tous…C est notre devoir… Meme Duval qui etait un opposant a l’independance a ete ministre de la republique…he turned a new leaf…C est cela le jeu de la democratie…
Oui tous les Mauriciens devraient se rassembler pour celebrer leur identite mauricienne ce jour la. Ceux qui veulent oublier et ignorer les tranches de leur histoire en disant que c’est le passe “Laisse passer” sont condamnes a les repeter un jour. Si 1967 etait uniquement le temps margoze 1968 aussi alors. L’esclavage, l’engagisme, l’holocauste aussi le temps margoze………..
1966: Les Britanniques savaient que les Travaillistes redoutaient un referendum, Le Parti Tr ne pouvait constituer une majorite parlementaire sans une coalition.
La Commission Britannique Banwell proposa l’allocation d’un nombre substantiel de sieges ie 25% des sieges au parti ayant obtenu plus de 25% des suffrages. Aux elections generales l’annee suivante le PMSD parti anti-independentiste emerge avec 43,5 % a lui seul alors que c’est une coalition du PTr-IFB-CAM qui recueille 54,7%.
Voila xxxx une petite tranche d’histoire des temps margoze…
> Je ne comprends pas trop cette histoire de 44%. Vu de France, je
> suis content que Maurice soit independant ; quand je suis en visiteÃ
> Maurice , je ressens que les Mauriciens sont fiers d’etre
> independants. A Melboune ou ailleurs ceux qui pensent le contraire
> sont des gens du passé qu’il vaut mieux ignorer.
I would probably not surprise you when I tell you that I was shocked when I found out (in Australia) that there are some Mauritians there who did not celebrate the 12th of March . Instead they had a big party for 14th of July and all sang La Marseilleise. And of course NONE of them were French. Ce que je trouvais deguelasse aussi c’est qu’ils chantaient ce soir la a tue tete une parodie de l’hymne nationale de Maurice??????
What a load!!!!
I find it disgusting mais ca n’engage que moi.
Glory to thee fatherland and motherland of mine……………
les 44% n’existent plus ! nous sommes républicains et mauriciens .
Petite question
Parmi vous , les mauriciens d’ailleurs , fêtez vous le jour national de votre pays d’adoption ?
Joyeux Anniversaire et 39 ans d’independance
Ki sont les mauriciens qui celebrent l’independance de leur republique?
Mon cher ami…tous les Mauriciens devraient feter la republique a Maurice car 1967 c est le temps margoze…nous avons turn a new leaf…/notre avenir depend de nous ici..de vivre au temps que possible en harmonie…et de voir l’avenir avec esperance…le temps est revolue…il nous faut agir comme une nation envers et contre tous…C est notre devoir… Meme Duval qui etait un opposant a l’independance a ete ministre de la republique…he turned a new leaf…C est cela le jeu de la democratie…
Joyeux Anniversaire et 39 ans d’independance
Ki sont les mauriciens qui celebrent l’independance de leur republique?
La question est serieuse et qui sont ceux qui refusent toujours de celebrer cet evenement historique?
Ils etaient 44% en 1967 et leurs petits enfants azordi font partie de la banboula celebrante.
Fin de Citation
March 12th, 2007 — Entrepreneurship, Mauritius
You will recall that GAVI Fund was the silvery lining of the cloud. Linux, Wikis brought in a new form of collaboration in the world. Coupled with outsourcing business model all over the world we are observing a new business model growing: Crowdsourcing.
The rise and grow of crowdsourcing is mind blowing. When you think that the word was only coined in June 2006 by Wired Magazine.
Procter & Gamble, and many world leaders companies have joined in band wagon in this business model and have already benefited largely in specific fields where crowdsourcing can provide lucrative solutions.
“The main advantages of crowdsourcing are that innovative ideas can be explored at relatively little cost. Furthermore, it also helps reduce costs. For example if customers reject a particular design, it can easily be scrapped. Though disappointing, this is far less expensive than developing high volumes of a product that no one wants. Crowdsourcing is also related to terms like Collective Customer Commitment (CCC) and Mass Customization. Collective Customer Commitment (CCC) involves integrating customers into innovation processes. It helps companies exploit a pool of talent and ideas and it also helps firms avoid product flops. Mass Customization is somewhat similar to collective customer commitment; however, it also helps companies avoid making risky decisions about what components to prefabricate and thus avoids spending for products which may not be marketable later.â€
I see in crowdsourcing a more efficient way of developing innovative products as well as a way to market test the product. Some application in designing T-shirts and its production are well on stream. This could very well work for innovative fashion garments in Mauritius.
March 11th, 2007 — Entrepreneurship, Mauritius, nanosolar
This week, some serious decisions have been taken up by the leaders of the European Union in respect of limiting the emission of carbon dioxide and the pollution of the atmosphere to ease or slow the earth warning. This to me is a good sign and good news and yet there is still so much to be done.
During this summit of the Top leaders of the EU, an agreement has been reached. The Nordic countries; i.e. Denmark, Finland who were for the limiting the generation of power by nuclear plant and its exclusion from the renewable & ecological energy debate have now accepted to comprise albeit with some limitations.
Why? There could well be the self interest of each country, which is pushing the technologies where they are well ahead. We can understand the financial gains that could be reaped for the investment made in the different technologies made. France, well advanced in nuclear generation pushed and argued that the nuclear generation had to be included because of the technological break through of today such as:
Thorium generators,
Reduction of radio active waste to a very low controllable quantity
And the risk of accidents as we had in the past at Chernobyl almost reduced to nil if properly controlled.
Conservation and gained in efficiency has been the route favored by the Nordic countries. They have developed an array of technologies to make better use of the energy produced. Other countries like Germany have focus on the development of technologies based on photo voltaic cells. The sun is blessing us with more than enough energy which we need; we have only up to now fail to tap as much as we suffice.
You will recall that I had a meeting with my brother who was involved in the Canadian nuclear power plant industry, and who is much better informed than me. He is confident that with the progress that will be made, Mauritius could be powered with a nuclear plant for the generation of electricity.
For us in Mauritius:
1. What are we doing to gain more from the energy we are now producing? Where are our conservation and efficiency gained programs? In Switzerland for example, they have introduced a tax on Incandescent lamps which is used to subsidize more efficient and more expensive lamps for lighting. Old technology lamps sells cheaper than new technology lamps because of economy of scale production and the fiscal depreciation applied. Thus the state has to initiate ways to reverse the trend for the sake of energy conservation.
2. What are we doing to tap and use the free energy provided to us by our blessed Sun? Just like it is often compulsory by law the include parking area in new high rise buildings some states in the US, specially the “Sun belt†states, it is now compulsory to build in solar and geothermal generators in the building.
3. Are we looking towards new sources or new technologies at a lower cost to satisfy our hungry industrial and domestic needs?
March 5th, 2007 — books, Entrepreneurship, Mauritius
We have once more the honor and great pleasure in welcoming Imai Masaaki the Japanese top management guru and his team in Mauritius to lecture on “Survival of the fittest- STRATEGIES OF A LIONâ€.
Should you have the time I would highly recommend that you attend this lecture which will be held at the cyber Tower on the 6th March from 17.00- 19.00.
The Kaizen Institute has chosen Mauritius to conduct their worldwide meeting this semester and we are benefiting of this event.
During the days I was still active in business, a few Gemba Kaizen workshops and programs were run in some of the units, I used to manage. The Gemba Kaizen exercises gave excellent results on the overall performance fast and at almost no cost.


Elimination of wastes ( MUDA) and running a continuous improvement system in any business unit have worked and is still working miracles all over the world. I recall with much pleasure that in May 2001, SEBNA a bottle plant situated in the Rogers industrial zone were the first unit in Mauritius to contract the program which was brilliantly conducted by Jayen Murthy of the Kaizen Institute.
More so, in today’s difficult times, lean management is the way to remain competitive. This system of operation is often also called the Toyota way as most of the tools proposed by the Kaizen Institute were originally inspired by Toyota manufacturing methods.
March 4th, 2007 — happiness, Mauritius, Reflexion
This year 2007,today we celebrate at the same time the Chinese Lantern festival and the Indian Holi Festival.In Beau Bassin,this afternoon, I could continuously hear the drumming of the Chinese Lion dances and the firing of the crackers.
Whilst the meanings and traditions of these festivities abound on the web, I would like to highlight what aroused me on the Holi festivities:
Social Significance
Holi helps to bring the society together and strengthen the secular fabric of our country. For, the festival is celebrated by non-Hindus also as everybody like to be a part of such a colourful and joyous festival.
Also, the tradition of the Holi is that even the enemies turn friends on Holi and forget any feeling of hardship that may be present. Besides, on this day people do not differentiate between the rich and poor and everybody celebrate the festival together with a spirit of bonhomie and brotherhood.
In the evening people visit friends and relatives and exchange gifts, sweets and greetings. This helps in revitalizing relationships and strengthening emotional bonds between people.
Biological Significance
It is interesting to note that the festival of Holi is significant for our lives and body in many other ways than providing joy and fun.
We also need to thank our forefathers who started the trend of celebrating Holi at such a scientifically accurate time. And, also for incorporating so much fun in the festival.
As Holi comes at a time of the year when people have a tendency to feel sleepy and lazy. This is natural for the body to experiences some tardiness due to the change from the cold to the heat in the atmosphere. To counteract this tardiness of the body, people sing loudly or even speak loudly. Their movements are brisk and their music is loud. All of this helps to rejuvenate the system of the human body.
Besides, the colours when sprayed on the body have a great impact on it. Biologists believe the liquid dye or Abeer penetrates the body and enters into the pores. It has the effect of strengthening the ions in the body and adds health and beauty to it.
There is yet another scientific reason for celebrating the Holi, this however pertains to the tradition of Holika Dahan. The mutation period of winter and spring, induces the growth of bacteria in the atmosphere as well as in the body. When Holika is burnt, temperature rises to about 145 degrees Fahrenhiet. Following the tradition when people perform Parikrima (circumambulation or going around) around the fire, the heat from the fire kills the bacteria in the body thus, cleansing it.
The way Holi is celebrated in south, the festival also promotes good health. For, the day after the burning of Holika people put ash (Vibhuti) on their forehead and they would mix Chandan (sandalpaste) with the young leaves and flowers of the Mango tree and consume it to promote good health.
Some also believe that play with colours help to promote good health as colours are said to have great impact on our body and our health. Western-Physicians and doctors believe that for a healthy body, colours too have an important place besides the other vital elements. Deficiency of a particular colour in our body causes ailment, which can be cured only after supplementing the body with that particular colour.
People also clean-up their houses on Holi which helps in clearing up the dust and mess in the house and get rid of mosquitoes and others pests. A clean house generally makes the residents feel good and generate positive energies.
I have the feeling that our dear country needs to live more of the spirit of the Holi Festivities…..more so within the goverment majority.