China and India are without doubt,the two super powers of the coming decades.Each country has their +s and -s. As a free-minded observer,I have been for the last few years keen in watching the development of these countries.
Ever since my early work life,I had a very close association with India. Having worked for Air India in my prime years, when I was given my first management job,I still maintained a love for this wonderful country continent. I was so lucky to have traveled so often and so extensively through out India with travel writers and travel agents. To be invitees of the ITDC, Indian Trade and development Corporation in those days, I was treated like a real Maharajah.I often jokingly say that I was an Indian mystic,perched in the Himalayas in my previous life.
As for China: blood and origins are vibrating in my body and soul.
Deloitte Research has published recently a document,China and India:The Reality Beyond the Hype, which has retained my keen interest.
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