I most certainly would think of Mgr Margeot as a charismatic leader. Whilst watching the acknowledgments made to this great Mauritian and seeing unreeling his works presented to us today by the press and TV through persons of all walks of life who had the chance to have interacted with him I asked myself the question: What the deeds of Mgr Margeot that made him such a great charismatic leader? He may have physically left us; his spirit still dwells.
I searched through my documents on leadership to be able to single out qualities and attributes which I would be able to name and model. I struck John C Maxwell’s article on Leadership which I found fitting. Since Mgr Margeot has achieved all seven attributes named by Maxwell I may safely say that Mgr Margeot was a charismatic leader.
William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli were two of the fiercest political rivals of the 19th century. Their epic battles for control of the British Empire were marked by intense animosity that spilled over from the public arena into their personal lives. Ambitious, powerful, and politically astute, both men were spirited competitors and masterful politicians.
Though each man achieved impressive accomplishments, the quality that separated them as leaders was their approach to people. The difference is best illustrated by the account of a young woman who dined with the men on consecutive nights. When asked about her impression of the rival statesmen, she said, “When I left the dining room after sitting next to Mr. Gladstone, I thought he was the cleverest man in England. But after sitting next to Mr. Disraeli, I thought I was the cleverest woman in England.â€
What distinguished Disraeli from Gladstone was charisma. Disraeli possessed a personal charm sorely lacking in the leadership style of his rival. His personal appeal attracted friends and created favourable impressions among acquaintances. Throughout his career, Disraeli’s charisma gave him an edge over Gladstone.
Of all leadership attributes, charisma is perhaps the least understood. At first glance, charisma appears to be an invisible energy or magnetism. There is no denying its presence, but it’s hard to put a finger on its source. Some mistakenly believe charisma is a birth trait—embedded in certain personalities, but completely absent in others.
I believe charisma is learnable and helps to boost a leader’s influence. John Maxwell in an article examines the causes of charisma and suggests how to increase the charisma you display as a leader.
Charisma is “the ability to inspire enthusiasm, interest, or affection in others by means of personal charm or influence.†Leaders who have this ability share seven things in common:
1. They love life. Leaders who attract a following are passionate about life. They are celebrators, not complainers. They’re characterized by joy and warmth. They’re energetic and radiant in an infectious way. Look no further than the smile to illustrate the power of charisma.
2. They value the potential in people. To become an attractive leader, expect the best from your people. I describe this behaviour as “putting a 10 on everyone’s head.†Leaders see people, not as they are, but as they could be. From this vantage point, they help others to build a bridge from the present to a preferred future.
3. They give hope. People long to improve their future and fortunes. Charismatic leaders connect with people by painting tomorrow brighter than today. To them, the future is full of amazing opportunities and unrealized dreams.
4. They share themselves. Charismatic leaders add value to people by sharing wisdom, resources, and even special occasions. They embrace the power of inclusion, inviting others to join them for learning experiences, brainstorming sessions, or simply a cup of coffee. Such leaders embrace team spirit and value togetherness.
5. They cultivate other-mindedness. For leaders, the greatest satisfaction is found by serving. They find great pleasure celebrating the successes of those around them, and the victory they enjoy the most is a team triumph.
6. They find and use their voice. One expression bandied about by political commentators has been of a candidate “finding a voice.†Seemingly every candidate found his or hers.
7. They use their charisma to boost their influence for good. Charisma compounds a leader’s influence. Without it, leaders have trouble inspiring passion and energizing their teams. With it, leaders draw out the best in their people, give the best of themselves, and find the greatest fulfillment.
Charisma is not manipulative energy or a magical gift given to select personalities, but an attractive blend of learnable qualities.
Source: article written by John C Maxwell published in November 2008