Entries from June 2009 ↓


Times seem difficult these days. We may be in recession but definitely business is getting tougher in most sectors. The turnovers are decreasing whilst the costs are increasing. I had a chat this week with my cousin who looks after gas distribution. Bottle gas is supposed to be a commodity that is most resilient to drop in consumption- the people need to use energy for cooking. It looks that even in this sector there is a lull in spite of the subsidies fed by the government to alleviate the burden of the population. On the other hand, operating the distribution is costing more with the escalating cost of Diesel and  with the mandatory increases to be allotted to the work force.

What are the possible solutions in this juncture?

Costs cutting will some say! Work smarter will others vouch! Indeed whilst increasing sales or turnover seems less likely, squeezing the costs is obvious. It is more easily said than actually implementing the cost squeezing strategies. Reducing the level of costs with the least pain and to work on the optimum means going through the costs elements, analysing them and determining the right level. I rather work on the elimination of waste. I recall during my past career that in some department when we were faced the need to increase our productivity, we utilised lean management techniques and Gemba Kaizen.

Lean Management I believe stems from Lean production systems. Lean production systems provide principles and practices to reduce costs through the relentlessly removal of wastes and the simplification of all processes. The introduction of Gemba Kaizen, particularly the 5 S I am pretty sure will provide some solutions. Sort, Straighten, Sweep, standardize and self discipline are the key words.

Let us all be reminded the vast campaign led a couple of years ago by the National Productivity Council NPCC: the Elimination of Muda.

Toastmaters in Mauritius

To have 80 odd persons assembled in a room to pursue the enhancement of their communication and leadership skills was a fantastic experience last Saturday at the La Pirogue for the first ever Toastmasters Convention in Mauritius. I was so pleased to have been present and to experience the vibrant energy born and grown from the seeds planted a decade ago by a few with Mark Wenick to start in Mauritius a toastmaster’s chapter.

Toastmasters in Mauritius today, is four dynamic clubs meeting regularly, twice monthly, to provide opportunities to its members to sharpen their skills through collective learning in a highly positive and friendly atmosphere through a proven format proven by Toastmasters International.

How  did my participation to Toastmasters contribute to my learning and personal growth?

When I joined Toastmasters in 1998, I had already a working career behind me. As a matter of fact I was entering the third phase of my life careers. The first phase was my apprenticeship to being a leader at work. The second one was to put my learning to test. End 1997, I was offered the opportunity and challenge to regenerate my working career in a position, that I have never lived before. As the new Cluster Director of Rogers Group, I was given the task of heading with the different Managers Company’s related to Retail trade. In the lot were companies that needed severe restructuring, expansion, and also some of them even to be prepared to be sold off at the most profitable time.

I had to be an even better communicator and leader. In the hind sight on reflection, what I learned from Toastmasters then was the absolute necessity to balance my right brain activities with more of my left brain ones. I realised that it is good and pleasing to be in an innovative mode but it was necessary to combine the rigor and tedious aspects to succeed in any task. A good leader needs an appropriate balance in his strategic thinking and formulate his communications to suit the audience targeted. Toastmasters allow me to test and honed these skills.

So why not join a toastmasters Club?

Reflexion Dominicale

Mt 28,16-20.
Les onze disciples s’en allèrent en Galilée, à la montagne où Jésus leur
avait ordonné de se rendre.
Quand ils le virent, ils se prosternèrent, mais certains eurent des doutes.

Jésus s’approcha d’eux et leur adressa ces paroles : « Tout pouvoir m’a été
donné au ciel et sur la terre.
Allez donc ! De toutes les nations faites des disciples, baptisez-les au
nom du Père, et du Fils, et du Saint-Esprit ;
et apprenez-leur à garder tous les commandements que je vous ai donnés. Et
moi, je suis avec vous tous les jours jusqu’à la fin du monde.

Ce dimanche, l’Eglise fête La Sainte Trinité. A ma messe hier soir, j’ai bien observé, en entrant, trois bougies groupées vers la droite, délicatement posées sur l’autel au lieu des deux généralement posées de chaque cote. La Sainte Trinité inaugure notre entrée dans la foi. Dans la pratique chrétienne commençons nous pas notre prière- rencontre et conversation avec Dieu- en invoquant la Sainte Trinité par le signe de la croix ? Ce geste du signe de la croix, nous le répétons tellement souvent et mécaniquement qu’il me semble avoir perdu de valeur et conscience de sa profonde signification. Or cette fête aujourd’hui m’invite de redonner importance à mon geste -de traverser mon corps en croix de ma main, mon être de ce signe- qui veut dire : je me mets en présence de mon créateur Dieu le Père, de son fils Jésus Christ, mon sauveur, venu pour m’ouvrir la porte de mon salut éternel et du Saint Esprit envoyé pour m’accompagner et m’éclairer, et que je dois penser, agir sous leur regard en permanence et en leur nom. Je suis un des disciples et j’ai la tache de témoigner de ma foi pour que toutes les nations désirent en devenir par mon exemple.

Saint Irénée de Lyon écrivit sur ce texte :

« Baptisez-les au nom du Père, et du Fils, et du Saint Esprit »

Voici quelle est la règle de notre foi, voici ce qui fonde notre édifice, voici ce qui donne fermeté à notre comportement. D’abord : Dieu Père, incréé, illimité, invisible ; Dieu un, créateur de l’univers ; c’est le premier article de notre foi. Deuxième article : le Verbe de Dieu, Fils de Dieu, Jésus Christ, notre Seigneur ; il a été révélé aux prophètes selon le genre de leurs prophéties et selon le dessein du Père ; par son entremise, tout a été fait ; à la fin des temps, pour récapituler toutes choses, il a daigné se faire homme parmi les humains, visible, palpable, pour ainsi détruire la mort, faire apparaître la vie et opérer la réconciliation entre Dieu et l’homme. Et troisième article : l’Esprit Saint ; par lui, les prophètes ont prophétisé, nos pères ont appris les choses de Dieu et les justes ont été guidés dans la voie de la justice ; à la fin des temps, il a été répandu d’une manière nouvelle sur les hommes, afin de les rénover sur toute la terre, pour Dieu.

C’est pourquoi le baptême de notre nouvelle naissance est placé sous le signe de ces trois articles. Dieu le Père nous l’accorde en vue de notre nouvelle naissance dans son Fils par l’Esprit Saint. Car ceux qui portent en eux l’Esprit Saint sont conduits au Verbe qui est le Fils, et le Fils les conduit au Père, et le Père nous accorde l’immortalité. Sans l’Esprit il est impossible de voir le Verbe de Dieu, et sans le Fils on ne peut pas approcher du Père. Car la connaissance du Père, c’est le Fils, et la connaissance du Fils se fait par l’Esprit Saint, et le Fils donne l’Esprit selon le bon plaisir du Père.

Obama’s Speech Transcript seen from a toastmaster’s filter

From the toastmaster’ filter:

Did he have clear 3 parts: 1. introduction 2. development 3. Conclusion?


We meet at a time of tension between the United States and Muslims around the world – tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy debate. The relationship between Islam and the West includes centuries of co-existence and cooperation, but also conflict and religious wars’ opens up his speech and clearly introduce the theme.


The development of his subject were made clear by naming each different issues,numbering them and expanding on them.

The first issue that we have to confront is violent extremism in all of its forms.

The second major source of tension that we need to discuss is the situation between Israelis, Palestinians and the Arab world.

The third source of tension is our shared interest in the rights and responsibilities of nations on nuclear weapons.

The fourth issue that I will address is democracy

The fifth issue that we must address together is religious freedom.

The sixth issue that I want to address is women’s rights.

Finally, I want to discuss economic development and opportunity


He artfully wraps up his speech by going back to the need of a new beginning and concluded strongly with messages of peace from the Holy Koran , Talud and the Holy Bible.

The issues that I have described will not be easy to address. But we have a responsibility to join together on behalf of the world we seek – a world where extremists no longer threaten our people, and American troops have come home; a world where Israelis and Palestinians are each secure in a state of their own, and nuclear energy is used for peaceful purposes; a world where governments serve their citizens, and the rights of all God’s children are respected. Those are mutual interests. That is the world we seek. But we can only achieve it together.

I know there are many – Muslim and non-Muslim – who question whether we can forge this new beginning.

Though not expressed I could sense the same positive reaffimation of  Yes we can in the ending!

We have the power to make the world we seek, but only if we have the courage to make a new beginning, keeping in mind what has been written.

The Holy Koran tells us, “O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.”

The Talmud tells us: “The whole of the Torah is for the purpose of promoting peace.”

The Holy Bible tells us, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

The people of the world can live together in peace. We know that is God’s vision. Now, that must be our work here on Earth. Thank you. And may God’s peace be upon you.

Great 1 2 3 method!

What about maintaining the interest of the audience? How did he maintain them hung to his speech?

Obama’s speech to the Muslim’s World

I was moved by the speech which I watched on direct transmission from the BBC yesterday. The 55 minutes address from Al-Azhar, the Islamic learning institution was eloquently delivered but more importantly it showed the sincerity of the person of Obama. He gave in straight manner his reading of the situation of the Muslim World and proposed peaceful paths to living in harmony with the whole of humanity. He definitely clarifies the position of the United States on the hot issues: Israel and the Palestine, nuclear arms, Women liberty, occupation of Iraq, war in Afghanistan.

As a toastmaster, I am reviewing his speech, available on several sites on the web, and take lessons in speech craft. Reading his transcript, I found , is  a better way of studying Obama’s  rhetoric art. From the numerous appropriate citation, namely of the Koran, Obama and his team must have worked diligently there on.

As a world citizen, I can only rejoice am be delighted to hear a peace maker. He has put in persepective the present world view of Islam and the crude stereo types proponed  by a great number of persons in the west which is not conducive to greater peace and harmony.

I only wish and pray his words are transformed in deeds and that his words are taken by his administration.

Since I last visit to Egypt, 12 years ago, I had since a soft spot for this country which could be considered as a moderate Arab state with a rich history. Choosing Egypt to address the Muslim world is very appropriate for the President of the US. Do you know that Egypt Arab is the standard Arab just as BBC English would be the world Standard English?

Should I find interesting lessons from my studies from the angle of speech writing I shall share them to you in due course. Mean while I advise you to listen to this speech which gave me so much pleasure.

Sale boulot

Avoir quelqu’un pour faire le sale boulot à votre place. N’est pas chouette. Dans ce temps apparemment difficile, les sans emplois ont trouvé le moyen d’inventer des boulots, jus qu’a maintenant inexistants.

Vous avez du mal de gronder vos enfants. Maintenant vous pouvez employer une personne pour le faire a votre place. Peut être souhaiterez vous tester la fidélité de votre conjoint  ou la mettre à l’épreuve? Des services pour répondre à vos besoins existent.

Un site web propose les services pour vos sales boulots.

Marrant n’est ce pas ?

Peut être devons nous commencer ces services à Maurice?

Tiananmen Square 4th June

Tomorrow, the 4th June will be the twenty years since the Tiananmen Square Massacre occurred according to the western world press. China recorded the happenings of this incident as the June four incident. Is it a euphemism on the part of the Chinese? Or is it the naming of this event according to one’s view and reading?

Twenty years since the much reported incident with hind sight view what can we deduct? The proponents and defenders of Human rights, the western world press definitely has a different view of the killing of unarmed student protesters by the Chinese army to the reading of the Chinese authorities who then ordered the end of the protest.

What were the reading of the Chinese government of the situation of this protest and the impact of it on the state?

I read with keen interest the back ground atmosphere leading to the killing of these protesting students and I invite you to do so, on Wikipedia.

The Party elders believed that lengthy demonstrations were a threat to the stability of the country. The pressure on the Chinese from within the country as well as from other nations was mounting to become unbearable by the authorities.

How many persons were killed? 5000 or 7000 persons were eliminated according to different sources.

This 4th June Tiananmen Square event has certainly impacted the course of history in China. Foreign loans to China were suspended and tourism to China decreased and embargo on arms were reactivated. The Chinese economic reform as planned by Deng Xiaoping was delayed.

I read through this event the fundamental cultural difference between the intrinsic values of the western and Chinese. In the west, the individual rights are primary whilst in China the nation’s rights override all. What is good for the community is good for all.

Tiananmen June 4th was a mere incident in the very long history of China; it may well be one of the many massacres perpetrated. The killed individuals were collaborators of the history.

Our beliefs shape our vision?

Alain Thiry – Coach en Entreprises

Après sept ans, j’ai revu Alain et Catherine. Ils sont revenus à Maurice pour fêter leurs noces d’argent. Lors de notre rencontre, nous avons bien sur, évoqué avec nostalgie, leur précédent séjour en 2002 et surtout les joies d’avoir initié les éléments de la PNL aux enseignants des enfants en difficultés d’apprentissage.

Alain a évolué dans sa carrière et profession. Toujours en utilisant les outils de la PNL, il travaille  maintenant comme coach en entreprise. Il a depuis sorti après quelques années de recherche un livre qui traite du coaching : Les 3 types de coaching – La PNL 3e génération en entreprises et organisations. Son livre est en ce moment, ma lecture quotidienne. Je vous le recommande.

J’étais heureux d’apprendre des nouvelles activités d’Alain et j’ai profité de sa présence d’apprendre de sa méthode et de ses  expériences. Le 3e niveau (coaching stratégique de l’organisation) est particulièrement novateur par le croisement de 4 théories différentes : celle des configurations de Mintzberg, celle des niveaux logiques et celle des meta-programmes en PNL ainsi que celle des routines défensives d’Argyris. La PNL donnant des outils concrets pour mettre en œuvre une nouvelle configuration, tout en tenant compte des résistances au changement.

Que veut dire Coaching ?

Coaching vient du verbe anglais « to coach », qui signifie entraîner. Dans le langage courant, « un coach » est un entraîneur sportif.
Par extension, le coaching consiste à accompagner dans leur processus de changement des personnes individuelles, des groupes, des entreprises ou des organisations.

Le coach fournit des outils et des perspectives qui facilitent le renouveau personnel, professionnel, et organisationnel. Il apprend à ses clients à créer et maintenir une vision constructive de l’avenir. Il aide à régler les problèmes du moment, à prendre une nouvelle inspiration et à rebondir

Il permet de saisir quotidiennement les opportunités d’apprendre, de changer et de grandir, que nous présente la vie.
L’art du coaching consiste à poser les bonnes questions au bon moment. Un bon coach laisse ses clients trouver eux-mêmes leurs réponses.
Il sait que parfois les questions sont plus intéressantes que les réponses et qu’une bonne question qui reste sans réponse est un facteur puissant facteur de transformation.

Le coaching est une démarche à long terme, même si elle donne très rapidement de bons résultats à court terme.
Une fois le passage difficile traversé (celui qui a initialement motivé le recours au coaching), les clients trouvent un grand profit à garder un contact régulier avec leur coach, pour maintenir le cap, confirmer leur réussite, et l’étendre à d’autres domaines de leur vie.

Je remercie Isabelle Follain que j’avais rencontré au mois d’avril en Hongrie pour la définition de coaching et vous recommande une visite de son site.

Immigration Policy

The last fortnight, I attended a talk on Geo politics by a distinguished and knowledgeable professor from the world reputable French school HEC. Demographics obviously became part of the main topic. The anguish of some European countries is the aging of the population and the low birth rate of  nations which would endanger the future of the respective countries.

We discussed lengthily on the progression of some ethnic groups who will impact France in the near future. 2025 Forecasts of nations like Germany and Italy give a decreasing population. The economic impact of these nations will be affected. Countries having today a birth rate below 2 per head will in a very short time be in diminishing population. You could image the impact on the economy, on the social aspects, the geopolitical might and more importantly on the vitality of the country with an ageing population.

Immigration policy and laws then is one of the tools which economical rich countries may use to resolve the issue of demographics. The United States of America, a nation of 300 million inhabitants is vibrant today which was created out of thinking and implementation of strategies. As recently as 80 years ago, when immigration was free in the US, the leaders of the time passed in 1924 a discriminatory immigration law to control their population growth. By way of the 1965 Immigration and nationality act the US is still controlling the growth of the population and the quality of the population.

This is the case for the European union of nations which is not a single nation will a common policy. Immigration in the Schengen area is in havoc with the different policies of the different countries. Immigration is an issue and the integration of the various factions is yet another issue. Many European nations fear unrest in parts of Europe caused by sudden change in social balances. Is there an invisible hand playing on the chess board of Europe in this respect?

We know for sure that the immigrations flow of today determine the state of the nation of tomorrow. As easy demonstrated in our laboratory small Mauritius, the acts of the later part of the 1800 have determined the population of our island.

What should be the immigration and nationality policy of our country? Is it done in thinking of the future generation? Are we thinking of ethnic, religious, racial balances as was the case of the US in 1924?