Tomorrow, the 4th June will be the twenty years since the Tiananmen Square Massacre occurred according to the western world press. China recorded the happenings of this incident as the June four incident. Is it a euphemism on the part of the Chinese? Or is it the naming of this event according to one’s view and reading?
Twenty years since the much reported incident with hind sight view what can we deduct? The proponents and defenders of Human rights, the western world press definitely has a different view of the killing of unarmed student protesters by the Chinese army to the reading of the Chinese authorities who then ordered the end of the protest.
What were the reading of the Chinese government of the situation of this protest and the impact of it on the state?
The Party elders believed that lengthy demonstrations were a threat to the stability of the country. The pressure on the Chinese from within the country as well as from other nations was mounting to become unbearable by the authorities.
How many persons were killed? 5000 or 7000 persons were eliminated according to different sources.
This 4th June Tiananmen Square event has certainly impacted the course of history in China. Foreign loans to China were suspended and tourism to China decreased and embargo on arms were reactivated. The Chinese economic reform as planned by Deng Xiaoping was delayed.
I read through this event the fundamental cultural difference between the intrinsic values of the western and Chinese. In the west, the individual rights are primary whilst in China the nation’s rights override all. What is good for the community is good for all.
Tiananmen June 4th was a mere incident in the very long history of China; it may well be one of the many massacres perpetrated. The killed individuals were collaborators of the history.
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