Entries from November 2008 ↓
November 30th, 2008 — Messe, Reflexion
Evangile de Jésus-Christ selon saint Marc 13,33-37.
Prenez garde, veillez : car vous ne savez pas quand viendra le moment.
Il en est comme d’un homme parti en voyage : en quittant sa maison, il a donné tout pouvoir à ses serviteurs, fixé à chacun son travail, et recommandé au portier de veiller.
Veillez donc, car vous ne savez pas quand le maître de la maison reviendra, le soir ou à minuit, au chant du coq ou le matin.
Il peut arriver à l’improviste et vous trouver endormis.
Ce que je vous dis là , je le dis à tous : Veillez ! »
J’etais parti pour L’ile de la Réunion pour passé qu’une nuit. Eh bien, le sort, le hasard, ou Dieu en a décidé autrement. Six heures d’attente à l’aéroport Rolland Garros pour être informé que le vol a été annulé car à la tombé de la nuit les vols ne peuvent plus opérer à cause de la contamination possible des vers blancs. Les passagers ont été transférés sur un vol de la mi-journée du Dimanche. Etre prêt et être sur sa garde pour tout imprévu : oui c’est bien cela. Le retard d’un vol est peut-être un événement banal, mais la leçon : d’être prêt à tout moment est bien reçu.
Je ne peux que de me souvenir du motto des scouts que j’ai appris dès mon enfance : BE PREPARED.
Seigneur Dieu, oui j’ai la volonté de ‘Veillez’. Cependant je ne suis qu’un pauvre pêcheur faible et qui se bat. Donne moi d’être fort par Ta grâce, de pouvoir rester ‘ éveiller’ pour être présent et conscient quand Tu reviendras.
November 28th, 2008 — Reflexion, Uncategorized
Do you know why the name of ile Bourbon was renamed Ile de La Reunion?
Well I shall be in l’ile de la Reunion for today and tomorrow and shall find out..hopefully.
Until then it would be possible that I shall not have access to my blog. Excuse me dear reader who reads me daily. This was heart warming to recieve yesterday a call from one of my dailyreaders to tell me that I miss a day in my posting.
This was written from the airport internet facility.
November 27th, 2008 — books, Entrepreneurship, Uncategorized
I invite you to access the link: www.businessballs.com/freematerialsinword/personalitytypesperceptionsmatrix.doc –
The Four Temperaments, also known as the Four Humours, is arguably the oldest of all personality profiling systems, and it is fascinating that there are so many echoes of these ancient ideas found in modern psychology.
The Four Temperaments ideas can be traced back to the traditions of the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilisations over 5,000 years ago, in which the health of the body was connected with the elements, fire, water, earth and air, which in turn were related to body organs, fluids, and treatments. Some of this thinking survives today in traditional Eastern ideas and medicine.
The ancient Greeks however first formalised and popularised the Four Temperaments methodologies around 2,500 years ago, and these ideas came to dominate Western thinking about human behaviour and medical treatment for over two-thousand years. Most of these concepts for understanding personality, behaviour, illness and treatment of illness amazingly persisted in the Western world until the mid-1800’s.
The Four Temperaments or Four Humours can be traced back reliably to Ancient Greek medicine and philosophy, notably in the work of Hippocrates (c.460-377/359BC – the ‘Father of Medicine’) and in Plato’s (428-348BC) ideas about character and personality.
In Greek medicine around 2,500 years ago it was believed that in order to maintain health, people needed an even balance of the four body fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. These four body fluids were linked (in daft ways by modern standards) to certain organs and illnesses and also represented the Four Temperaments or Four Humours (of personality) as they later became known. As regards significant body fluids no doubt natural body waste products were discounted, since perfectly healthy people evacuate a good volume of them every day. Blood is an obvious choice for a fluid associated with problems – there’d have generally been quite a lot of it about when people were unwell thousands of years ago, especially if you’d been hit with a club or run over by a great big chariot. Phlegm is an obvious one too – colds and flu and chest infections tend to produce gallons of the stuff and I doubt the ancient Greeks had any better ideas of how to get rid of it than we do today. Yellow bile is less easy to understand although it’s generally thought have been the yellowish liquid secreted by the liver to aid digestion. In ancient times a bucketful of yellow bile would have been the natural upshot, so to speak, after a night on the local wine or taking a drink from the well that your next-door neighbour threw his dead cat into last week. Black bile is actually a bit of a mystery. Some say it was congealed blood, or more likely stomach bile with some blood in it. Students of the technicolour yawn might have observed that bile does indeed come in a variety of shades, depending on the ailment or what exactly you had to drink the night before. Probably the ancient Greeks noticed the same variation and thought it was two different biles. Whatever, these four were the vital fluids, and they each related strongly to what was understood at the time about people’s health and personality.
Imbalance between the ‘humours’ manifested in different behaviour and illnesses, and treatments were based on restoring balance between the humours and body fluids (which were at the time seen as the same thing. Hence such practices as blood-letting by cutting or with with leeches. Incidentally the traditional red and white striped poles – representing blood and bandages – can still occasionally be seen outside barber shops and are a fascinating reminder that these medical beliefs and practices didn’t finally die out until the late 1800’s.
Spiritually there are other very old four-part patterns and themes relating to the Four Temperaments within astrology, the planets, and people’s understanding of the world, for example: the ancient ‘elements’ – fire, water, earth and air; the twelve signs of the zodiac arranged in four sets corresponding to the elements and believed by many to define personality and destiny; the ancient ‘Four Qualities’ of (combinations of) hot or cold, and dry or moist/wet; and the four seasons, Spring, Summer Autumn, Winter. The organs of the body – liver, lungs, gall bladder and spleen – were also strongly connected with the Four Temperaments or Humours and medicinal theory.
Relating these ancient patterns to the modern interpretation of the Four Temperaments does not however produce scientifically robust correlations. They were thought relevant at one time, but in truth they are not, just as blood letting has now been discounted as a reliable medical treatment.
But while the causal link between body fluids and health and personality has not stood the test of time, the analysis of personality via the Four Temperaments seems to have done so, albeit tenuously in certain models.
The explanation below is chiefly concerned with the Four Temperaments as a personality model, not as a basis for understanding and treating illness.
early representations of the four temperaments as a personality model
Richard Montgomery (author of the excellent book People Patterns – A Modern Guide to the Four Temperaments) suggests that the origins of the Four Temperaments can be identified earlier than the ancient Greeks, namely in the Bible, c.590BC, in the words of the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel, who refers (chapter 1, verse 10) to four faces of mankind, represented by four creatures which appeared from the mist:
“As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.” (from the Book of Ezekiel, chapter 1, verse 10)
Montgomery additionally attributes personality characteristics to each of the four faces, which he correlates to modern interpretations of the Four Temperaments and also to Hippocrates’ ideas, compared below.
November 25th, 2008 — Entrepreneurship, learning
No easy task, to manage managers. And yet this is essential in any business organisation. Through my carrer I learned the tough way to manage thru managers. Here are some tips which I found that could be very helpful.
Leaders at the third level of accountability are the
backbone of a successful organization.They are the operational
general managers who make sure things happen.
Work at Level 3 moves beyond leading one situation at
a time, or diagnosing a single case, to balancing the needs
and outcomes for a number of different individuals and
sets of circumstances.
Here are the Seven Elements at the third level of
1. Nature of work. The key aspect of work at this
level is the delivery of planned performance, while at the
same time continuing to get better performance from
the assets and resources year on year.The essence of
Level 3 accountability is managing a sequence or flow of
work tasks and events, which have to be managed as a
whole, not as a series of unconnected events.
2. Resource complexity. Managers at Level 3 are
not yet accountable for changing the fundamental disposition
of the resources at their disposal. Resources have
to be managed in the context of an integrated system,
unit or head office department.Working at Level 3 often
requires authoritative specialist knowledge.The Level 3
manager is accountable for the identification of potential
managers and their appointment to Level 2.
3. Problem-solving. For the Level 3 manager, problem-
solving involves identifying patterns in the actual
performance of existing products, technology platforms
and systems. Individuals at Level 3 manage a flow of
interrelated problems that need to be prioritized and
solved using the resources within the team.They are not
accountable for strategy and policy but should see the
implications and shortcomings of current practice and
the need to shape different approaches going forward.
4. Change. The essence of Level 3 change is continuous
improvement.Operational scientific change culminates
in Level 3 innovation. It is important to distinguish
between operational innovation, which occurs up to
Level 3, and strategic innovation, which occurs at Level 4
5. Internal collaboration. Managers at Level 3 normally
work across group disciplines, functions within a
business, and sometimes a number of countries, in order
to improve the performance of their unit or department
or to improve the delivery of a process, operational system,
study or project.Managerial leaders are accountable
for their effectiveness in collaborating with peers.
6. External interaction. External contacts atWork
Level 3 tend to be at a national level, in contrast to those
at Level 2, which tend to be local or regional within a
country.These interactions often involve negotiation of
agreements.The response to the external world outside
the organization is reactive. By contrast, at Level 4 the
manager needs to be proactive.
7.Task horizon. Managers at Level 3 are very much
involved in the delivery of the annual plan.A Level 3
manager adds value by looking across individual plans
and budgets and ensuring that their contribution is such
that the whole unit or department meets its time-related
targets.These managers are also expected to make a significant
contribution to the plans and activities of the
following year.
There comes a point when an operational unit is too
large to be run with only two layers of management.One
should be very careful about designing units in excess of
1,000 at Level 3, unless the work is very routine and only
needs minimal supervision or interference.
November 24th, 2008 — Environment, Mauritius, Reflexion
Je note avec une grande joie l’annonce d’une intention louable et un objectif qui se dirige vers un développement durable. Cela a paru sur l’express du dimanche 23 Nov.
Exploiter l’énergie en abondance qu’est le soleil pour le convertir en Electricité. La technologie existe et elle est déjà exploitée dans des nombreux pays. Il se poserait le problème de rentabilité ? Peut-on produire au jour hui une unité d’électricité au même prix que produise la CEB par ses centrales de production ? Quel sera le prix de rachat que la CEB offrira qui inciteront les individus à investir dans un tel projet ? Doit on que voir une rentabilité pour la CEB dans le présent ? Et quid de notre émission en CO2 dans les centrales thermiques ? A-t-on la volonté politique de mettre en chantier l’exploitation des sources énergétiques propres et non polluantes ?
Nous devons donc encourager ce projet. Je suis pour un retour sur investissement sur les panneaux voltaïques égal au taux bancaire de l’épargne.
■L’objectif de Chavansingh Dabeedin
Pour la première fois depuis sept ans, c’est un membre issu du personnel même du Central Electricity Board (CEB) qui a été nommé directeur général de cette organisation. Installé à ce poste alors que la question de l’énergie préoccupe le monde entier, c’est à juste titre que Chavansingh Dabeedin s’est fixé comme principal objectif l’exploitation de toutes les sources d’énergie renouvelable disponibles à Maurice. En tête de lice figurent les énergies éolienne, hydraulique, solaire et celle produite à partir de la bagasse. « Pourquoi pas inclure dans nos priorités, l’exploitation du créneau de l’énergie renouvelable produite par les individus et dont le surplus pourrait être vendu au CEB et basculé sur le réseau national ? »
November 23rd, 2008 — Messe, Reflexion
Evangile de Jésus-Christ selon saint Matthieu 25,31-46.
« Quand le Fils de l’homme viendra dans sa gloire, et tous les anges avec lui, alors il siégera sur son trône de gloire.
Toutes les nations seront rassemblées devant lui ; il séparera les hommes les uns des autres, comme le berger sépare les brebis des chèvres :
il placera les brebis à sa droite, et les chèvres à sa gauche.
Alors le Roi dira à ceux qui seront à sa droite : ‘Venez, les bénis de mon Père, recevez en héritage le Royaume préparé pour vous depuis la création du monde.
Car j’avais faim, et vous m’avez donné à manger ; j’avais soif, et vous m’avez donné à boire ; j’étais un étranger, et vous m’avez accueilli ;
j’étais nu, et vous m’avez habillé ; j’étais malade, et vous m’avez visité ; j’étais en prison, et vous êtes venus jusqu’à moi !’
Alors les justes lui répondront : ‘Seigneur, quand est-ce que nous t’avons vu…? tu avais donc faim, et nous t’avons nourri ? tu avais soif, et nous t’avons donné à boire ?
tu étais un étranger, et nous t’avons accueilli ? tu étais nu, et nous t’avons habillé ?
tu étais malade ou en prison… Quand sommes-nous venus jusqu’à toi ?’
Et le Roi leur répondra : ‘Amen, je vous le dis : chaque fois que vous l’avez fait à l’un de ces petits qui sont mes frères, c’est à moi que vous l’avez fait.’
Alors il dira à ceux qui seront à sa gauche : ‘Allez-vous-en loin de moi, maudits, dans le feu éternel préparé pour le démon et ses anges.
Car j’avais faim, et vous ne m’avez pas donné à manger ; j’avais soif, et vous ne m’avez pas donné à boire ;
j’étais un étranger, et vous ne m’avez pas accueilli ; j’étais nu, et vous ne m’avez pas habillé ; j’étais malade et en prison, et vous ne m’avez pas visité.’
Alors ils répondront, eux aussi : ‘Seigneur, quand est-ce que nous t’avons vu avoir faim et soif, être nu, étranger, malade ou en prison, sans nous mettre à ton service ?’
Il leur répondra : ‘Amen, je vous le dis : chaque fois que vous ne l’avez pas fait à l’un de ces petits, à moi non plus vous ne l’avez pas fait.’
Et ils s’en iront, ceux-ci au châtiment éternel, et les justes, à la vie éternelle. »
L’Evangile du jour nous dit clairement en quoi nous serons jugés devant le Dieu suprême. IL me nous demandera pas si nous étions chrétien ou combien de biens avons nous amasser en biens et ou encore quelles décoration ou prouesse sont nous reconnu pour ? Nous serons évalués sur l’amour que nous avons donné. Bien entendu l’amour à nos proches et aux étrangers. Puis encore cet amour qui a été partagé une façon inconditionnelle.
Donner à manger et à boire, faire l’aumône pour être reconnu par les pairs, est ce cela de l’amour qu’IL nous exige ? Vêtir un étranger ou visiter un malade ou un prisonnier sans en tirer bénéfice de notre action, soulager la misère et peines des démunis et malades – voila des actes généreux et digne d’un vrai fils de Dieu. La vie de Mother Theresa, sa passion pour les pauvres et démunis ne vient à l’esprit.
Donne nous Seigneur d’être un ‘mother Theresa :’ qui s’est détaché des besoins de possession, de ses besoins de confort, en bref détaché de son ‘moi’ et qui ne voit en chaque individu que Toi présent sur terre.
November 22nd, 2008 — Chinois, Mauritius
Last night with very great pleasure, I attended the 100th year celebration of the Chinese chamber of Commerce in Mauritius. Our family has always participated to the chamber activities. Grand farther, YIPTONG, founder of the family in Mauritius was himself President of the chamber in 1938.
The very able and dynamic President in her speech made a review of the achievements of the chamber and repositioned the vision of the chamber in the perspective of the future with its new challenges. She concluded her speech in wishing the chamber to live up another 100 years.
Objectives of the chamber
To protect and promote the business interest of the Chinese Community in Mauritius
To represent the interest of members vis a vis governmental and non governmental authorities
To promote interaction among traders and industrialists
To facilitate meetings between members and their foreign counterparts
To promote business activities, local and overseas, for the benefits of traders and industrialists
To promote benefits to members of the Chinese Community, during sickness or infirmity or old age and death
From the Souvenir magazine produced for the occasion,I went through the list of founder members and the list of Past Presidents. I found it most interesting to see the names of the persons.

November 21st, 2008 — Mauritius
The saga is carrying on. Most of us are waiting for the findings of Cambridge and the decision of the government authorities to solve the problem caused by the leaks. I came across a sensible text of a HSC student to whom I would wish that he earns a scholarship.This is the sort of Elite our country needs.
“Real Intelligence is absolute, not relativeâ€
In connection with my previous article, I believe that, instead of always cutting away the surplus of unwanted branches in a tree, we should rather remove its roots. This incident can become a blessing in disguise if we decide to tackle the real problem that we face: A dilapidated education system. One of the major problems with our system is that it focuses solely on exams, thereby providing a purely theoretical knowledge taught in a mechanical manner. This has dire consequences, especially for the sciences, as students lack the logical, practical and hands on skills that characterize any area of study. We study not to satisfy our intellectual thirst but to pass exams. The education that we receive is purely academic and does not provide us with the tools we will need to face the global job market of tomorrow. Moreover, the HSC is a make or break factor in providing an opportunity to afford an education at a prestigious foreign university. Being elite, I can count the number of broken dreams just because of someone not being a laureate. Therefore, the real challenge that we face these days is not to find out who are the ones who got tips on “Facebook†or “Blackpapersâ€, but rather, how do we provide future Mauritians with an all-rounded education that makes them global citizens in the real sense?
First and foremost, after having consulted some Human Resource Managers about the alleged possibility that employers can turn their nose to future job applicants whose CVs include a notorious “Cambridge 2008 A Levels†certificate, it behoves me to tell all my counterparts believing adamantly that this year’s supposedly “tarnished†exam certificate will be prejudiced against their professional careers that they are completely wrong! Many employers do not even ask the applicant when he/she obtained each of his qualifications or will not even have heard about the year 2008 when Cambridge messed its exams up! What matters the most to them is, I quote, “the credentials of the university you have attended, the specifications of your tertiary degrees and the outlook they will have of your personality through your written job application or your interviewâ€. Can you imagine for a second a local or foreign multinational refusing to employ an interesting and motivated student who has freshly graduated with flying colours from a prestigious university such as Princeton, Oxford and Melbourne and who has, as only drawback, a supposedly fake “Cambridge 2008 A Levels†certificate? Willy-nilly, the latter is and will always be a prerequisite of our future local or abroad professional aspirations, irrespective of each exam’s year. Moreover, hypocrisy is a proliferating epidemic among many HSC students, especially among those who throw into question the credibility of their “Cambridge 2008 A Levels†certificate. However, why have the students believing that their future Cambridge certificate will have practically no value in their professional life attended their last examinations when instead, they could have boycotted them? This is because, whatever one’s degree of dislike of Cambridge, one still needs the academic backing of this internationally-renown institution and not vice-versa. My dear Cambridge-hatred friends, when you have convictions, whether good or wrong, you must assume them ENTIRELY and not simply use them as an invisible coat to hide your own cowardice or your naivety!
Regarding the current situation that we face, we must envisage a reasonable solution. I will not take any stance, but rather, present two different schools of thought and let readers draw their own conclusion. Firstly, we could correct the November 2008 papers and keep the results. Then, we hold another exam (if need be, only in required papers) and we compare the two results so that scholarships are awarded only in case of consistent performance (but with regards to the first sitting). That would provide us with more grounds to judge who were the ones having had recourse to unconventional exam preparation. This solution does not bear in mind the stress caused to some students by exams but makes the actual results more credible. Secondly, we could tolerate a small injustice to prevent an apocalypse ahead. We can afford to be lenient this time around because as I mentioned before, it is not as if marking schemes were available online. The answers posted in web forums could well be wrong! Assuming then that this would have an insignificant impact on rankings, we award scholarships but take measures to prevent such resurgence in the future.
Now let me demystify something for all Mauritian students: HSC exams are one component of University applications, NOT THE APPLICATION. There are other important aspects like a personal statement and extra-curricular activities. Universities are not looking for academic geniuses with impeccable results; Imperial College (UK), for instance, takes great pride in rejecting students with three As. They look for academic promise coupled with personal character. They want individuals that can make a difference in their chosen fields. Our education system must therefore mould us into such citizens. Currently, we take Cambridge “A level†courses and focus on only one discipline (Science or Economics or Arts or Technical). Moreover, we never go beyond paper work. Our results come only from our performance in a few papers. However, the International Baccalaureate (IB) System provides a much better alternative. Under the IB Diploma Programme, we would have to take one subject from each of the following disciplines: A first language, a second language, Individuals and Societies, Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Experimental Sciences, and the Arts. Our evaluation would be based on three aspects: An extended essay of about 4000 words, the theoretical knowledge acquired from the six chosen subjects and finally, on our involvement in artistic pursuit, sports or community service works. By providing a multi-disciplinary course, IB provides the all-rounded knowledge that is vital in the job market of tomorrow. The education that we would receive would be much more complete. The essay would help us develop a crucial aspect of our university life-writing skills. Also, involvement in extra-curricular activities would provide us with the required personal qualities of tomorrow’s society, and community service could finally provide some of the much talked about Civics Education. The IB programme must be implemented on a pilot basis to entering form one students in two years time to allow for some teacher training and general system setting up.
At the center of the current debate are laureates. Indeed scholarships are a luxury to those who want to pursue studies abroad as most of us cannot afford such astronomical costs. But why is it that half a mark has to decide between scholarship and no scholarship? I am of the opinion that our leaders should invest massively in Education. We must provide a multi-billion yearly budget that provides both need-based and merit-based financial opportunities to Mauritians wanting to study abroad. However, such a contract must contain a legal binding commitment on the part of beneficiaries to serve their country for at least five years (without any bonds fee payments possible). If our country helps us, should we not help it in return (I am aware of the political realities jeopardizing meritocracy)? Such a budget would not be an expenditure, it would be an investment. If colossal amounts of money can be spent for the organization of extravagant political gatherings at the Swami Vivekananda International Convention Centre, why can’t we finance more university opportunities for our brainy students? Will this investment not prove to be more benefiting than populist gatherings (including the famous “briani†distribution there) to our country’s future? Abolishing the laureate system in view of providing more opportunities would also dramatically reduce private tuitions. Most students have recourse to tuition to beef up their exam preparation in view of the competition. Those who do not compete merely follow through by a snowball effect. But what if the system stopped at 5 As and percentiles? There would be no point in taking tuition at the expense of school work. This would provide more time for other activities that go in the context of a more all-rounded education.
The functions of a school go well beyond Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. They are associated with the socialization of students. From young children in pre-primary to children in primary and adolescents in secondary, the school harbours a meeting place for exchanges between peers that cut across race, social class or ethnicity. But what is it really like in Mauritian schools? Do we have enough time to engage in team activities? Are friendships not impeded by the fact that friends face a cutthroat competition for scholarships? It is my personal view (backed with knowledge of actual cases) that the intense competition does not favour team involvement. It creates individualistic personalities who have little consideration for others. Now let us take these same students twenty years in time. They will be the future professionals of our economy. Imagine the same students who currently say, I quote, “I do not care about future years, this is the problem of Cambridge and the MES. I am only worried about me!†What type of adult does our system tend to create?
With every disturbance comes the opportunity to emerge stronger. This is our chance to change what is a broken education system. Our education has to go beyond the relative aspect of our intelligence based on “Classified†and “Year By Year†books only. It should touch the absolute nature of our intelligence: our logic. It must spearhead the economic progress of the country by moulding a labour force capable of competition in today’s global market by providing a broader foundation that is multi-disciplinary. It must provide every student with the assurance that “Yes I can dare to dream of studying abroad even though my parents cannot afford itâ€. The distress caused by the current turn of events can turn the tides. It is up to our leaders to do it. I make a call to all my fellow elites, let us put our personal interest behind and think of those who will come after us!
Written by E.L.I.T.E (Emancipation of Labour-Intensive and True Elite)
November 20th, 2008 — Entrepreneurship, learning
What is Visual Thinking?
Visual thinking is our brain’s natural way to solve problems creatively. We picture the problem and its various outcomes in our mind’s eye. Ancient humans doodled solutions to their problems on cave walls. But in today’s world—especially in business situations—we’re in the habit of making lists, outlines, and spreadsheets, using only one dimension of our brains.
Visual thinking taps into multiple brain centers, getting us to the heart of the problem more quickly and helping us use creativity to solve problems, manage projects, streamline processes, communicate information, and gain buy-in from team members.
What are Mind Maps?
A mind map uses visual thinking to create an organized display of the plan, problem, or project—a diagram that mirrors the way our brains naturally processes information. Information and tasks radiate out from a central theme or goal, rather than falling below a header, as in a list. Related items link with connecting lines. New items can be captured randomly and then organized into the larger scheme, with new ideas flowing naturally as the map gains detail. Information can be illustrated with symbols, words, color, images, links, and attachments to add context, helping to reveal new directions, greater clarity, and big ideas.
A mind map works the way the human brain works, aided by a powerful graphical process. It frees the mind to think, visualize, and understand in ways that go beyond multi-paged linear documents. So when we need to brainstorm, plan, learn, organize, save time, improve recall, and manage the details of a complex life, a mind map is a great place to do it all.
I am still very much enthused by the use of mind maps which this week again has been of great help to me. You will recall over 2 years ago, I mentioned in my blog Tony Buzan’s contributions to Mind Mapping.
November 19th, 2008 — Entrepreneurship, Mauritius
The three Values statement is translated into strategies deployed throughout the stores.
1. WAY Customer Proximity means that the supermarkets are ideally situated to serve their respective areas. Each WAY operator knows their customers’ needs. As much as the customers may identify the owners of the store the owners will endeavour to know each regular customer. As opposed to corporate stores, most of the WAY stores are ran by the owners who are able to take on the spot decisions. WAY stores are people store. Every store has a customer solution provider desk.
2. WAY Effective Service and range of products means a clean, comfortable environment with efficient service. Most stores offer Fresh produce and fresh bread. With modern computer assisted equipments WAY stores indentify the best and most popular range of products in their offer.
3. WAY Value for money Pricing means a fair price to the customers which has been achieved through the best bulk buying systems managed by the group. Efficient operations within the stores and tight control overall logistics and distribution costs ensure best value for the customers. WAY stores have lean management processes in place.