One may well be comfortable without being contented. The feeling of being comfortable should not drive us to complacency. Why do I have to challenge myself? After having had a relatively successful work life, I am enjoying a happy family life with plenty of friends around, and am living off my retirement with no worries. I may have some physical mobility restrictions. But am I comfortable? Yes. Is being comfortable enough to satisfy me? Is there still things I would like to achieve and what for? Do I want to be the drift piece of wood thrown in the river to follow the course and current of the stream? Do I still want to take charge of my life to drive it in the direction it ought to be? Have I still got something to share with others, to enrich them, for them to make a difference in their lives and others? What still drives me? Where has my fire gone? Where are my challenges and passions gone?
I picked up this essay from James Jones who urges us to be to move away from my comfort zone to be happier.
by James Jones
My uncle says that life is full of challenges. That will never change so be ready, the next challenge is coming and when you accept that fact, the challenge will be easier to overcome. If you are happy with your life, truly happy, then you are successful. Success in my mind is measured by whether or not you feel joy, love, and whole as a person, not by your status or possessions.
I think most people are comfortable with their lives. I do not mean that they are or are not happy, sad, or even satisfied with the direction that their life is going. Feelings or emotions have very little to do with what I’m getting at. I’m talking about the same routine you follow week after week. It’s your life and you most likely tend to follow the path of least resistance.
Being comfortable is doing the same thing every day without honestly trying or taking risks. Get out of your comfort zone. Most people think “I try”, but what have you done different lately? Trying is not doing what you do because you have to. It’s doing something different because you can!
You can be happy with your life and and not be content (but your probably comfortable). Are you content? If your answer is yes then congratulations, you must have realized all your dreams. If your answer is no, I believe you and you probably dream big. Not being content doesn’t mean you’re unhappy it just means you want more out of life, you want to better yourself. If you want more out of life do something uncomfortable, different, out of your normal routine. TRY your best!
If you want change in your life, real change, you have to do something uncomfortable. How can you change tomorrow if you don’t change today? You can start small, try waking up early to walk, work out or even just to get things done. Later in the day you might feel less stress. Maybe read a book or just read something, take a risk. Whatever your dream is try doing something uncomfortable to accomplish your goals. If you can control yourself you can control your destiny.
If you like what I wrote try something new. If you don’t like what I wrote quit wasting your time reading this and go back to your routine. If you know me then you know I’m never content. That doesn’t mean I’m not happy because I am. It means I’m always hungry, famished actually. Life is a feast and I’m starving. This blog is something different and uncomfortable for me but the little things add up. Everyone needs a kick in the ass now and then, that’s why I wrote this as a reminder to myself not to get comfortable.