Entries from September 2008 ↓

Aquaculture in Mauritius

Is there an opportunity for Mauritius to join in the growing food sector in the world? Can Mauritius join in by producing premium quality respecting all the exigencies of the health and environmental requirements?

This is a recent an extract on the subject.

Aquaculture industry is stagnating

Published:  12 September, 2008

Europe’s once lucrative aquaculture industry is stagnating, beset with red tape, over-regulation and zealous planning authorities.

This was the stark warning given to an international conference today by Scottish Conservative Euro MP Struan Stevenson. Speaking at the conference ‘A Coherent Approach to Sustainable Development’, sponsored by the Spanish Government and supported by the French Presidency, in Brussels.

Struan Stevenson said:’ Europe used to lead the world in the production of farmed fish and Scotland was at the forefront of the industry, but in recent years we’ve taken our eye off the ball. We have allowed our non-EU competitors to assume dominance in this rapidly developing sector and we have seen our indigenous industry haemorrhage jobs to countries outside the EU. At a time of soaring food prices and rising consumer demand, we import almost 50 per cent of our seafood needs when we are perfectly capable of producing this food ourselves.

‘Marine aquaculture is the fastest growing food sector in the world, growing at 9 per cent per annum everywhere except in the EU, where growth is stagnating. In Europe we have the perfect environment for fish farming. We have an almost limitless coastline with ideal bays, fjords and sea conditions. We lead the world in the science and technology necessary for a thriving aquaculture sector. And yet we are in danger of starving in a land of plenty.

‘Why is this? It is because aquaculture has become one of the most heavily regulated sectors in the entire food production industry in Europe. EU aquaculture has the opportunity to double in size in the next 25 years, but only if we can tackle the unnecessary regulatory burden the sector has to contend with. EU fish-farmers have to deal with more than 400 different pieces of regulation, not to mention additional planning and environmental constraints in the Member States, before they can reel in a single fish. And this is not simply from DG Mare in the European Commission. It is from DG Environment, DG Trade, DG Sanco and a host of other agencies.

‘Red tape and the seemingly endless production of legislative directives in Europe are a gift to our competitors in China, Japan, Chile, Vietnam and elsewhere. At a time when demand for healthy fish products is rising internationally, while marine fish stocks continue to decline, the opportunities for EU aquaculture to lead the world in fish farming innovation and technological development are being hampered by red tape.

‘Above all, there is a great need for financial support for SMEs and a need to look at a simplification of the legislation affecting fish farming with an objective of better implementation at Member State level. Less red tape, less bureaucracy and a one-stop-shop approach to the development of new fish farms is an essential pre-requisite for a successful industry. We also need more flexibility in licensing of therapeutic agents and in the planning and sitting of new fish farms.’

Creativity and Ideas

For centuries, three factors have driven economies: land, labour and capital.

Now there are three new big “drivers”:

· Ideas.
· Brainpower.
· Information . . . especially scientific information. (From Gordon Dryden author of the learning revolution)

Is there a method to be more ideas and be more creative?

What is creativity? Professor Robert I Sutton of Stanford University says creativity is simply making new things out of old ones.

How to think for great ideas

A  program to teach yourself creative thinking

An idea defined: a new combination of old elements

1. Define your problem

2. Define your ideal solution and visualize it

3. Gather all the facts

4. Break the pattern

5. Go outside your own field

6. Try various combinations

7. Use all your senses

8. Switch off – let it simmer

9. Use music or nature to relax

10. Sleep on it

11. Eureka! It pops out

12. Recheck it

From my NLP training Robert Dilts proposes from his book SKILLS FOR THE FUTURE the S.C.O.R.E. model for managing creativity and innovation.







The most noticeable & conscious aspects of the present state or problem state

Underlying elements responsible for creating and maintaining symptoms

Desired states or goals that take the place of the symptoms

Elements responsible transforming causes and symptoms creating and maintaining out comes /effects

Medium to long term responses to, or results of, achieving an outcome





More or less constant over time

in general less obvious than symptoms

Techniques/ operations

Positive effects reasons for, or motives for, the outcome




More or less remote origin in time

Structures sequences for applying resources

Negative effects: create resistance ecological problems

Réflexion Dominicale

Evangile de Jésus-Christ selon saint Matthieu 21,28-32.

Que pensez-vous de ceci ? Un homme avait deux fils. Il vint trouver le premier et lui dit : ‘Mon enfant, va travailler aujourd’hui à ma vigne.’
Celui-ci répondit : ‘Je ne veux pas.’ Mais ensuite, s’étant repenti, il y alla.
Abordant le second, le père lui dit la même chose. Celui-ci répondit : ‘Oui, Seigneur !’ et il n’y alla pas.
Lequel des deux a fait la volonté du père ? » Ils lui répondent : « Le premier ».Jésus leur dit : « Amen, je vous le déclare : les publicains et les prostituées vous précèdent dans le royaume de Dieu.
Car Jean Baptiste est venu à vous, vivant selon la justice, et vous n’avez pas cru à sa parole ; tandis que les publicains et les prostituées y ont cru. Mais vous, même après avoir vu cela, vous ne vous êtes pas repentis pour croire à sa parole.


Le bien que je veux, je ne le fais pas et, le mal que je ne veux pas, je le fais, disait saint Paul. La bonne volonté ne suffit pas. L’enfant qui dit ‘oui’ et qui finalement ne va pas à la vigne avait peut-être réellement, qui sait ? le ferme propos d’obéir à son père.

L’enfer est pavé de ces bonnes intentions-là. Combien pantouflent avec des désirs d’héroïsme ? Combien forniquent dans les élans de pureté ? Combien cajolent de médiocres idoles dans des protestations d’amour au Dieu unique ? Hélas !Que d’aspirations furieuses a la sainteté retombées lamentablement comme autant des geysers impuissants !Des vœux pieux !Non ! Ce n’est pas seulement en paroles, mais en actes et en vérité que nous devons aimer. Tout le reste est verbiage, billevesées et tartufferies.

Combien de « non »prononcés par fierté et par bravade devant les hommes pour avoir l’air émancipé, se transforment dans le soir, dans le secret d’une prière et d’un cœur, en un « oui »tendrement murmuré.

Prononçons- le ce hardiment ce « oui » qui nous sauve. Non pas un « oui » incertain, mais un « oui » plein, sincère, franc, massif, un « oui » marial, tout bonnement Fiat !

Jésus, le christ n’a pas été à la fois « oui »et « non » dit l’apôtre, il n’a jamais été que « oui ».


Transformational Learning

Since yesterday I dwelt on my reading on learning and progressed to the future challenges in this field. A panel of reputable education leaders has concluded that we have to connect education theory with the ideas of uncertainty and faith that are the pathway to creativity and innovation and all our futures. I have extracted part of their paper of interest to me.

A Future of Transformation– Difficult by Nature

History is a chronicle of humanity’s drive for progress to overcome adversity and to find meaning. New forms of learning practices have been central to the concept of shifting and transforming from one type of society to another.

The scientific method emerged as a new learning concept in the 18th century as learning needs shifted from a speculation about the metaphysics of God to observation and analysis of nature’s reality. Reducing complex reality to its most elemental parts had become the basis for learning as the secrets of nature were revealed in the new natural sciences of physics, chemistry and biology.

For two hundred years, learning has occurred through the struggle of thousands of scientists, geologists, psychologists, managers and technologists. Every story of discovery, invention and new business methods has been the result of the persistence and dedication of individuals who revealed a passion to advance knowledge and human progress. Whether it was Edison’s artificial light, Pavlov’s dog who showed how animals and humans can be conditioned, or Mendeleev’s early study of genetic characteristics of plants, all significant advancements of knowledge have not come easily.

Today is no different, even with the advent of technologies that allow us to investigate more complex realities and plumb the depth of ideas that would have been considered magic a century ago. A search for excellence and discovery of new knowledge still takes a level of commitment that only those with a passion for learning have.

Thriving on Difficulty

The Industrial Age is ending with the realization that we are in a third transformation of history, equally as important and difficult as was the shift from the Agricultural Society to that which became known as the Commercial Society.

There are three significant differences that slowly are becoming apparent that must be recognized and resolved if we are to thrive and collaborate with others to maintain a sustainable and vital society:

1) The concepts of independence, linear thinking and self- interest are transforming into organizing principles of interdependence, non-linear thinking and helping each other succeed.

2) Work has been shifting from physical to mental.

3) Western Society finds its core goals no longer centered on experimentation, risk and the joy of discovery and creative innovation, but on that of being conservative, finding identify through materialism and looking to meet individual needs in the cheapest and easiest ways.

It is this third significant difference that potentially will create the most challenging change to the future of our society. Attaining material affluence and supporting individual rights emerged as the result of people who were committed to making a better world for their grandchildren, often as a result of religious beliefs. A key value was to do whatever was necessary to give life more meaning for those who were to come after, no matter how difficult.

Today, the concept of thriving on difficulty has been lost as an undergirding idea for the future as we focus on meeting consumer needs and maximizing short-term gains. It is within this contradictory environment of self-indulgence and increasing societal complexity that the issue of facing difficulty must be readdressed.

Resurrecting Difficulty In a Knowledge Society

What is not understood in this age that searches for the easy way is that only challenge, struggle and difficulty are on the horizon. For the first time during humanity’s reign, we are watching the health of nature recede before our eyes as Greenland’s ice sheets plummet into the ocean and as global warming expects to raise the average world temperature between 1.6 C and 8.4 C over the next century. The nature of a 21st century economy and society will require new skills and new ways of thinking….and it will require commitment and struggle to learn and apply new approaches that are aligned with new institutional structures which are in the process of emerging. Only those that learn how to thrive on difficulty will be able to anticipate and respond to a constantly changing environment.

Announcing a Transformational Learning Meta-Network

A new type of learning will be required to respond to and build capacities for a new type of society . . . and it will be anything but easy. It not only will require whole new ways of thinking, it will also require an emotional rebirth that is based on immense patience, concern for others, and an ability to collaborate at a deeper level.

With this in mind, we are pleased to announce a new idea. Over the next year, we plan to recruit up to twenty cutting edge educational leaders in the U.S. and other countries who want to collaborate to help develop a network of networks ( a meta-network) composed solely of people who thrive on the emerging educational challenges of shifting from a traditional learning paradigm to that which is transformational.

The Meta network will help build extraordinary relationships through ordinary people in their communities. As leaders and thinkers we must be adept at infusing anachronistic institutions with energy and purpose as our countries reinvent education. Leaders committed to breakthrough thinking will be willing to suspend their attachment to their own ideas and open up their minds to new possibilities.

Through the Meta Network we will attempt to create and model honest identification, methodology and implications of transformative change that we believe will be necessary for any 21st century educational system to be effective in the future.

We will have three goals: 1) to work in collaboration to connect the best ideas of each into a framework of transformative learning appropriate to this difficult and constantly changing age that is presently emerging, 2) to promote an integrated approach to Transformational Learning so that it gains a “tipping point” of perception and understanding in diverse areas throughout the world, and 3) to develop and network “master capacity builders.”

As futurists we understand that any enquiry into the nature of and reasons for transformation will progress through a number of levels of complexity. We invite you to join our collaborative journey with those who thrive on the difficult so that our grandchildren may be able to live and learn utilizing new ways appropriate to a constantly changing world.

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is not new. In the traditional Chinese culture at least in my family, we have always been told that we never stop learning.

However the learning that takes place at different stages occurs differently. As one matures in age, the social aspect definitely is more important. Kim Hermanson discusses this issue in her article:

The Importance of Social and Development Learning

by Kim Hermanson, Ph.D.

Few would argue with the notion that lifelong learning is very important to one’s sense of youthfulness and vitality. But while increasing numbers of organizations are offering courses and workshops for adult learners, these offerings often neglect to address the most meaningful areas of growth in one’s life.

We typically view learning as a process which involves receiving technical information or developing skills. We read books and attend lectures and classes in order to learn about new fields or to learn how to cook, make pottery, and so on. This view of learning could be termed “instrumental” – we learn how to better control and manipulate our environment. While instrumental learning is the most common experience of learning, adults actually regard two other forms of learning as far more valuable and meaningful. These could be termed “social” and “developmental.” Social learning involves learning about others, such as how to relate better with others and how to express oneself to others. Developmental learning involves learning about oneself.

When adults are asked what they feel is most important for them to learn in their lives, they typically reply with some variation of social or developmental learning. I recently conducted a study of adult learning in everyday life. I examined the self-reported learning situations of a group of 34 urban adults during a typical week in their lives. Participants were signaled via an electronic watch at random times during the day and asked to report on their experience. In addition, individual interviews were conducted to gain a more detailed understanding of the participant’s learning situations during the week. During the interview I asked each participant, “What do you feel is most important for you to learn in your life?” The participants’ answers invariably involved either learning about themselves (developmental knowledge), learning how to get along better with others (social knowledge), or some combination of social and developmental knowledge. Some of the participants’ responses are listed below.

A 42 year-old hospital patient advocate:

. . . to become more of myself. That would be learning to me.

A 53 year-old President of a trade association:

Who I really am as opposed to what society has defined me as. Or opposed to what I think I should do . . .

A 43 year-old computer programmer:

I would like to someday truly know what my true calling is. I feel like a lot of what I do is sort of, what’s the description for it, I do it because I do it, not because I wholeheartedly chose to do it. So in other words, where my passion is. Or what is it really that I’m supposed to do in this life? That’s something that is still a mystery to me. It’s easy to get distracted, to just go on everyday and do the things that I do.

A 51 year-old corporate manager:

About relationships. Like how to make them work. How to maintain your integrity and remain whole and yet have relationships with other people so that you can maintain your boundaries, so to speak. And still enjoy the fruits of relationships with other people.

A 44 year-old real estate clerk:

Learning how to express who I am, because that’s difficult. To be really clear about who I am and communicate that to others is hard. [And] to learn about other people and be comfortable and happy with other people.

A 27 year-old health food store clerk:

How to live my life, that’s important for me to learn to do . . . And maybe that’s how come I think it’s important that I learn about other people too. Because it’s interesting to see how they live their lives and how they have their perceptions of the world and that’s another way of collecting data, in a way, that I can find useful, or take what’s useful or not.

Further, learning experiences which also involve elements of social and developmental learning are more likely to be “transformative” for adults. These experiences are more likely to change or broaden one’s perceptions because they are usually viewed as more intrinsically meaningful than other kinds of experiences. The adults who participated in my research study often described these learning experiences using words such as “expressing their core” or being a “heart” experience.

Adults learn by constructing meaning from their experiences. Situations which aren’t viewed as meaningful are typically rejected as a source of learning. An important aspect of these meaningful learning experiences is that they not only involve one’s intellectual faculties, but one’s emotional capacities as well. Thus, incorporating elements of social and developmental learning will undoubtedly enhance the impact of standard learning activities.

Relatedly, purely instrumental learning is both a solitary experience and fairly passive in nature – we typically are receiving what another has to teach. Again, while this is a common and important way to learn, adult learning is more often relational in nature. My research suggests that the recent boom in adult learning activities in recent years signals a yearning for connection with others. Although adults often pursue solitary learning activities to gain various kinds of instrumental knowledge, the tremendous growth in public workshops and classes denotes a desire for community. In fact, many adults pursue learning activities simply to meet like-minded people, as witnessed by the rapid growth of such organizations as the Learning Annex. By incorporating elements of social and developmental learning, educators can help to satisfy adults’ yearning for connection. Through social learning, one connects with one’s community. Through developmental learning, one connects with oneself. Both are important, not only for one’s developmental growth, but also for one’s satisfaction with life.

The War of the Brains

Are you a predominantly left brainer or a right brainer?

“The main theme to emerge… is that there appear to be two modes of thinking, verbal and nonverbal, represented rather separately in left and right hemispheres respectively and that our education system, as well as science in general, tends to neglect the nonverbal form of intellect. What it comes down to is that modern society discriminates against the right hemisphere.”

-Roger Sperry (1973)

The two brains not only see the world in vastly different ways but, in our current society, the left side just “doesn’t get” what the right side is all about. It tends to dismiss anything significant coming into consciousness from its “flaky” cranial twin. Sometimes two sides can actually disagree, resulting in our perception of emotional turmoil from the expressive protests of right brain.

Our conscious mind can only focus on data from one brain at a time. We can switch from one side to the other very quickly (with our corpus collosum intact) but that’s not always the most efficient way to act and eventually ultimate authority to enter consciousness is delegated to one brain or the other. In our modern world, this battle is almost always won by the left brain.

It appears that most people will never reach their maximum potential because of compromises that have been made between these two governing bodies. Sometimes skills which the right brain can perform better are routinely handled, with less skill, by the left brain. Ideally, both brains work together in people with optimum mental ability. This coordinating ability may be the key to superior intellectual abilities. In most people, however, the left brain takes control, choosing logic, reasoning and details over imagination, holistic thinking and artistic talent.

Methods have been devised to “shut off” the left brain, allowing the right side to have its say. Creative writing courses often use this method to combat “writer’s block.” The logical left side is easily bored by lack of input and tends to “doze off” during such activities as meditation (repeating a mantra or word over and over) or in sensory deprivation environments. The right brain is then able to “sneak” into our consciousness, filling our minds with emotional and visual vignettes and freely associated images. All too quickly, though, the left brain will assert itself and dispense with these irrational images, asserting its Spock-like logical dominance and the right brain will have to be content to find expression in dreams.

Foremost trait of the Entrepreneur

What is the foremost trait of an entrepreneur?

Olaf Isachen, author of Entrepreneurial Elite answered:

“The hallmark of entrepreneurs is a never-ending desire to improve, along with an abiding interest in learning all they can.”

Entrepreneurs stay focused on one or two issues of importance long enough to begin to achieve the desired results. They know they cannot be all things to all people, and their strength comes from being highly focused, particularly during critical moments. Entrepreneurs also have another thing in common: They are deeply committed to contribute from their personal and unique perspective. They realize that those who profit from the status quo and “business as usual” cannot and will not champion their entrepreneurial course and indeed may turn out to be among their greatest enemies.

Entrepreneurs thrive on challenges during periods of uncertainty. Although they cannot control certain events, they can take advantage of those events and adapt faster than their competitors. They experience others as incapable of seeing opportunities. Theirs is a journey of discovery, the focus of which is to alter the perceptions and the view of what is known.

Freedom is the lifeblood of entrepreneurs; freedom means increased options. People can’t be creative and content while shaping the future if inhibited by the limitations of what is known. Therefore, they are natural, hopeful risk takers, at times unable or even unwilling to comprehend the downside of their actions. Even the most conservative and well-organized entrepreneurs can be persuaded that with enough creativity, the risk eventually will be reduced.

Entrepreneurs who sustain their momentum know the road to success is always under construction. They leave an impression of forever arriving but never quite reaching their goal. They cannot live any other way: They are always reaching out for the next challenge. Think of them as in a constant state of transition in which the journey itself is the goal. Moreover, they don’t want to arrive because then it is all over— and what do they do next?

In the beginning stages of their respective organizations, entrepreneurs explicitly or implicitly direct their energy and attention into areas where they are at their best and then surround themselves with people who can complement them with additional expertise and skill. They know this: Force is never the remedy. They know the organization will not endure, much less grow, if people are not allowed to contribute within the realm of their own free will. Indeed, these entrepreneurs know that they cannot motivate people. They carry a hope and a commitment to themselves and put immense effort into creating a set of conditions under which people will want to deliver superior performance.

Entrepreneurs seldom fall ill and are certainly not hypochondriacs. They are so devoted to their cause, people, goals, and work that they don’t allow illness to enter into the equation.

Although not all entrepreneurs start their entities with a master plan, a vision soon emerges. Also, through the school of hard knocks, they learn that becoming number one is easier than staying number one. In the process of growing their organizations, these entrepreneurs seem to have omniscient vision and an ability to pay attention to everything, while at the same time understanding and following through with their priorities.

Entrepreneurs who sustain their momentum know the road to success is always under construction.

Cours de Preparation au Mariage

J’ai passé le matin à écrire une lettre à des amis qui se préparent pour leur mariage. Je me dis après tout pourquoi ne pas faire profiter les lecteurs de mon blog de mon point de vue sur le mariage chrétien et sa préparation. En effet depuis quelles années, l’église catholique à Maurice exige que les fiancés suivent un cours de préparation avant de se présenter pour recevoir ce sacrement à l’église. Je pense qu’au fil des années, la commission de l’église qui gère cet aspect du mariage a fait du bon travail : le sujet est bien traité tant sur les aspects physique, mentale, sociale, communication, culturel, psychologique, morale et spirituel. Un cursus bien étoffé.  J’ai eu l’occasion de suivre une partie des sessions données par des animateurs de ma paroisse il y a deux ans. J’ai admiré le dévouement de ces animateurs bénévoles qui avaient le grand souci de partager leurs expériences pour faire bénéficier les néophytes. La pédagogie employée dans ses sessions, j’ai trouvé, était bien rodée : que des questions à réfléchir et pas de leçons moralisant.


Nous sommes vraiment heureux de savoir que vous avez pris la décision d’investir du temps et des ressources pour construire sur votre vie de couple. Certes, ce n’est guère facile de partir les mardis soirs vers le cours de préparation pour travailler avec d’autres couples, surtout après une longue journée de travail. Nous aimerions penser que cette démarche quelque peu longue de formation, de réflexion et d’échanges, entreprises par vous pour votre vie est elle-même une démonstration de la persévérance qu’il faut pour réussir dans la vie.

Comme beaucoup de vos amis et entourages qui vous sont chers, nous avons à cœur la réussite de vos vies et nous ferons tout pour que vous y arriviez. Nous savons pourtant que le facteur le plus important ne dépend pas de nous mais surtout de vous. C’est bien votre décision et efforts qui importent Cependant, nous serons toujours présents pour toute aide et assistance pour rendre votre tache facile. Pour vous signifier notre soutien, nous avons eu une pensée particulière pour vous, pendant tout le temps de votre préparation lors de vos sessions, en priant le Seigneur Dieu d’être avec vous pour vous combler des grâces nécessaires.

Nous avons surtout prié pour que votre ‘Oui’ soit un acte libre, sans contrainte et responsable, pour que votre alliance matrimoniale ait des assises humaines et chrétiennes solides et durables pour être féconds. Pour que votre ‘Oui’ soit pour une sanctification personnelle et pour créer un lieu de perfectionnement pour chacun de vous. Pour que votre ‘Oui’ soit gage de votre soutien mutuel.

Ou vais-je puiser la force de décrire de manière satisfaisante le bonheur du mariage pour que l’église ménage, que confirme l’offrande, que scelle la bénédiction ; les anges le proclament, le Père céleste le ratifie. Quel couple que celui de deux chrétiens, unis par une seule espérance, un seul désir, une seule discipline, le même service ! Tous deux enfants d’une même Père, serviteurs d’un même maitre ; rien ne les sépare, ni dans l’esprit ni dans la chair, au contraire, ils sont vraiment deux en une seule chair. Là où la chair est une, un aussi est l’esprit.

De notre mariage nous continuons de nous rappeler qu’il est fondé sur le consentement des contractants, c’est-à-dire sur la volonté de se donner mutuellement et définitivement dans le but de vivre une alliance d’amour fidele et fécond. Nous vous souhaitons donc le bonheur de construire chaque jour votre couple et éventuellement votre mariage consacré par le sacrement devant Dieu et devant dans la communauté.

Recevez, chers amis, nos meilleurs vœux

Madame Gerval

Dès mon enfance, mes parents rendraient toujours visite à la marraine de Papa, Madame Gerval. Comment et pourquoi elle a été choisie pour être celle qui présenta Louis France pour recevoir le sacrement de baptême ? A ce jour, je n’ai jamais su.

Par contre, mes visites chez les Gerval, reste des moments inoubliable de mon tendre enfance. Pour les grandes occasions, pour le nouvel an, une visite de toute la famille chez la marraine était de rigueur. J’étais émerveillé par la grande maison coloniale, ou la sÅ“ur de Madame Gerval, Elaine Adéle habitait à la rue de l’Eglise à Port Louis. J’ai dans mes souvenirs d’une maison style coloniale sous bardeaux dotée des grandes vérandas et une pergola dans la cour. L’intérieur de la demeure contenait des meubles anciens, et des grands fauteuils rembourrés de velours de couleurs sobre, Elle était ornée des tableaux, lustres et bronzes. Les rencontres étaient plus souvent à Port Louis chez les Adèle malgré que les Gerval résidaient dans une grande maison à Curepipe. Je n’ai jamais aimé la maison de Curepipe que j’avais trouvé froide et humide. Miss Marguerite qui vivait avec Elaine Adèle était toujours présente pour accueillir les enfants. Etant institutrice à la maternelle de la cathédrale, elle avait le don de mettre à l’aise les bambins.

En réfléchissant, je vois maintenant le lien possible du choix de la marraine. En effet Marguerite, tout en étant la directrice de la maternelle qui était dans les locaux de la salle d’œuvres de la cathédrale, elle préparait les adultes au baptême également. Est-ce que c’est elle qui aurait fait le lien ?

Marraine Gerval était la fille d’un adjoint maire de la ville : le notable et fameux Furcy Adèle. La famille Adèle était une famille très connue de la capitale d’antan et surtout catholique fervente. Une des présentation des stations du chemin de la croix à la cathédrale est un don de Furcy Adèle. Il détenait également sa renommé pour avoir été le précurseur des blagues que nous collons aux grands personnages de la trempe de Harish Boodhoo ou antérieurement Monsieur Obeegadoo.

Père Louis Souci, administrateur de la Cathédrale, et grand ami de Papa, raffolait de relater ses histoires et anecdotes de Furcy Adèle. Père Souci racontât :Un soir, tard dans la nuit, Furcy frappe à la porte du docteur Laurent et cria d’une voix forte en détresse : Docteur ! Docteur ! vite vite, viens vite, ma femme est dans l’infanterie.

Après le cyclone de 1892, l’adjoint maire Adèle du haut de la citadelle accompagnait d’autres dignitaires pour constater les dégâts encourus. Adèle dit : Oh, mon Dieu voyez, regardez que c’est pittoresque  n’est ce pas ? Un dignitaire l’interpella : Vous voulez dire pitoyable ? Adèle reprit : Oui c’est ca, pittoresque et pitoyable ne sont ils pas synagogue ?

Reflexion Dominicale

Evangile de Jésus-Christ selon saint Matthieu (Mt 20, 1-16a)

Jésus disait cette parabole : « Le Royaume des cieux est comparable au maître d’un domaine qui sortit au petit jour afin d’embaucher des ouvriers pour sa vigne. Il se mit d’accord avec eux sur un salaire d’une pièce d’argent pour la journée, et il les envoya à sa vigne.
Sorti vers neuf heures, il en vit d’autres qui étaient là, sur la place, sans travail. Il leur dit : ‘Allez, vous aussi, à ma vigne, et je vous donnerai ce qui est juste.’ Ils y allèrent. Il sortit de nouveau vers midi, puis vers trois heures, et fit de même.
Vers cinq heures, il sortit encore, en trouva d’autres qui étaient là et leur dit : ‘Pourquoi êtes-vous restés là, toute la journée, sans rien faire ?’ Ils lui répondirent : ‘Parce que personne ne nous a embauchés.’ Il leur dit : ‘Allez, vous aussi, à ma vigne.’
Le soir venu, le maître de la vigne dit à son intendant : ‘Appelle les ouvriers et distribue le salaire, en commençant par les derniers pour finir par les premiers.’
Ceux qui n’avaient commencé qu’à cinq heures s’avancèrent et reçurent chacun une pièce d’argent.
Quand vint le tour des premiers, ils pensaient recevoir davantage, mais ils reçurent, eux aussi, chacun une pièce d’argent. En la recevant, ils récriminaient contre le maître du domaine :
‘Ces derniers venus n’ont fait qu’une heure, et tu les traites comme nous, qui avons enduré le poids du jour et de la chaleur !’ Mais le maître répondit à l’un d’entre eux : ‘Mon ami, je ne te fais aucun tort. N’as-tu pas été d’accord avec moi pour une pièce d’argent ? Prends ce qui te revient, et va-t’en. Je veux donner à ce dernier autant qu’à toi : n’ai-je pas le droit de faire ce que je veux de mon bien ? Vas-tu regarder avec un Å“il mauvais parce que moi, je suis bon ?’


Le parabole des ouvriers de la dernière heure ou le parabole des dindons de la farce ? Quelle justice et quelle équité de notre Dieu ? Cela semble au regard de l’humain certainement pas acceptable. Oui, je ne peux pas comprendre la bonté infinie de Dieu. Cela me dépasse. Est-ce la même dimension que l’amour inconditionnel ? Miséricordieux : pardonner sans question que pour l’amour inconditionnel.

Est ce que cela veux dire que Dieu continue à inviter a sa vigne chacun d’entre nous a chaque heure et selon nos dispositions ? Et IL nous donne un engagement unique à chacun d’entre nous ?

Ce patron sait que les ouvriers de la dernière heure ont les mêmes nécessités que les autres, ont aussi des enfants à nourrir, comme ceux de la première heure. En donnant à tous la même paie, le patron montre ne pas tenir compte uniquement du mérite, mais aussi du besoin. Nos sociétés capitalistes basent la récompense uniquement sur le mérite (souvent plus nominal que réel) et sur l’ancienneté de service, et non sur les besoins de chaque personne. C’est au moment où un jeune ouvrier a le plus besoin de gagner de l’argent pour construire sa maison et une famille que son salaire est le plus bas, alors qu’à la fin de sa carrière, quand désormais il en a moins besoin, la récompense (spécialement au sein de certaines catégories sociales), est à son maximum. La parabole des ouvriers dans la vigne nous invite à trouver un plus juste équilibre entre les deux exigences du mérite et du besoin.

Commentaires de Saint Ephrem (306-373)

Ce que nous donnons à Dieu est bien indigne de lui et ce qu’il nous donne bien supérieur à nous. On nous embauche pour un travail proportionné à nos forces, mais on nous propose un salaire plus grand que celui que notre travail mérite… Il agit de la même façon envers les premiers et les derniers ; « ils reçurent chacun une pièce d’argent » portant l’image du Roi. Tout cela signifie le pain de la vie (Jn 6,35) qui est le même pour tout homme ; unique est le remède de vie pour ceux qui le prennent.

Dans le labeur de la vigne, on ne peut pas reprocher au maître sa bonté, et on ne trouve rien à redire de sa droiture. Dans sa droiture, il a donné comme il avait convenu, et dans sa bonté, il s’est montré miséricordieux comme il l’a voulu. C’est pour enseigner cela que notre Seigneur a prononcé cette parabole, et il a résumé tout cela par ces mots : « N’ai-je pas le droit de faire ce que je veux dans ma maison ? »