I returned from Paris last month after having made my ‘must’ visit at FNAC book store. How unfortunate these days that the airlines are very strict about excess baggage? Since I had to carry at the same time my exercise machine, I had to restrict my purchases. Luckily, I brought back four good books all of them written by Philosopher Andre ComteSponville who was awarded Prix La Bruyere of the French Academy and the sponsorship to have my work “Le Petit Traité des grandes vertus†translated in 24 languages. These days, I am slowly savouring the books and exploring his thoughts with relish.
« Mieux vaut enseigner les vertus que condamner les vices. La morale n’est pas là pour nous culpabiliser, mais pour aider chacun à être son propre maître, son unique juge. Dans quel but ? Pour devenir plus humain, plus fort, plus doux. » Extrait Andre Comte Sponville
In our curriculum in Mauritius, I did not have the chance of studying philosophy. Now is the time to fill in the deficit. UNESCO has decreed the 15 November the Philo day and a series of conferences world wide are organized on that day. The City of Port Louis & the Ministry of Arts & culture have joined in the bandwagon in organizing the World Philosophy day in Mauritius. You may thus avail to this opportunity.