Eventful August Day

Wow! I had such an eventful day yesterday that I did not have the time to log in my blog. It all started in the morning when I could not log in my website in spite of several attempts. Luckily I could retrieve my mail from my .mu address. Was it something wrong with the international network as it sometimes happens? I gave up for the moment hoping to go back later.

To my surprise, I learned from the mail of the demise of Carol, my cousin’s wife and read through the eulogy written by my cousin Molly for the Requiem mass in East London, South Africa, for her life celebration. Two earthly departures in the span of three months in the same Chock family, I thought. I took a good half hour backtracking in my mind the good times I had in the company of our South African folks, both in the days I visited them in East London, and whilst they were in Mauritius. May God receive them in His eternal love.

The 23rd August is a very special day for my family, not only because it is the crossing day between the Leo to the Virgo, more importantly, it is the day to feast with long life noodles for my wife’s birthday. Damn me if I had forgotten this august day! Olivier, very late in the night from Toronto, graced her Mom with a Happy Birthday song in his hoarse voice. Stephane also conveyed her best wishes through the mail. That made her day!

She had for this special day, arranged for her friends to gather home for a mah-jong party and lunch. The banging of the mah-jong on the table and the laughter created indeed a rejoicing atmosphere which added to the sound of oldies music of the 60’s and 70’s.

Kristel called in with a lovely birthday cake and her good wishes. Her presence and irresistible smile conquered my wife’s cronies.

The day followed with few more visits from a neighbour, Sabine, who presented her with a beautiful flower arrangement in vase. Marie Helene surprised her with gifts and a lively bouquet of white roses.

In the evening we set off for dinner at Hoy foong restaurant for a typical Chinese birthday dinner with Popo, the close relatives and friends. I was very contented for my day before Mr. Sandman took me to my dreams.


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