Brand is dead!Long live the Customer

I had always been a marketing man at heart. I was already a Graduate of the Institute of Marketing in the late 60’s before the Institute became a Chartered Institute by the British authorities. Now known as CIM, the institute is thriving.

My keen interest in supermarkets and  industry of retail groceries moved me to keep track on the developments in this field. From recent trip to India and the reading in India on business, I can forecast a gigantic expansion in retail groceries in India.Wall mart is eyeing India. Local giants of the like of Tata, Birla  have already signed up with world wide players in the field  to capture the opportunities.Up to now,the government  of India has been very reluctant to open the market to foreign investors but would give permit of operation to joint Indian and foreign partnership.

SPAR a world wide operator with whom I had dealings for a number of years have already a foot in India.

Tesco, a UK based operator is growing from strength to strength. Logistics and Marketing are the two drivers of this industry. The right product,at the right time  and price to the right customer!Have you heard of dunnhumby way and relevance marketing? They are the marketing brain of Tesco, Kroger and many more..I just finished reading their small book Brand is dead!Long live the customer.It is a fable for business today written by Suzanne Cadisch which very succinctly and  in very simple language gives the essence of the success of Tesco today.More information to serve your customer better!