
Would you be interested to have a non interested view of a fellow traveler on his latest appreciation or dissatisfaction on the services provided by the hotel you are about to book?

Vinivi a newly established internet service in Mauritius is now providing this service on line for 36 countries and covering over 19000 hotels or lodgings!

I encourage you to visit the site and to discover for yourself the benefits you could derive from its services. Furthermore why not encourage a Mauritian based enterprise to prosper?

I spoke today with the initiator of the project, Gilles Granger to inquire about his business model and his success factors.I leave you to guess his answers.

1 comment so far ↓

#1 gilles on 02.12.07 at 12:11 pm

Thank you Joseph for your post and enthusiasm.

For those wondering about Vinivi, it’s simple: advertising and added value services: Vinivi will remain independant and will not sell accomodations in order to stay impartial.

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