Jai Hind

26th January 1950 is one of the most important days in Indian history as it was on this day the constitution of India came into force and India became a truly sovereign state. On this day India became a totally republican unit. The other celebration is the 15th August  which is called the Independence Day. The country finally realized the dream of Mahatma Gandhi and the numerous freedom fighters who fought for and sacrificed their lives for the independence of their country.  So, ever since, the 26th of January was decreed a national holiday and has been recognized and celebrated as the Republic Day of India.

26th January 2007 is also a day of great rejoicing at IVAC. At 9 am all the staff and guests were assembled to have a rising of the flag in presence of the senior management. The short ceremony  was enhanced by the singing of the national anthem.

I was delighted to take cognizance of the President Abul Kalam message for the occasion. His speech he titled: ‘What can I give to the nation?” is well worth reading as he enumerates India’s achievements in a number of fields and gives the vision of the over a billion heads strong country in 2020.

It was also “fete” for me today. Marie Anne & Stephane arrived in the early morning from Montreal. They brought in with them a large box of chocolate & candies to be distributed to the therapists and hands of the center. It was our way to celebrate with them the India Republic day and be thankful for their services.


#1 avinash on 01.26.07 at 5:54 pm

Thanks for reminding us of the Indian Republic Day.

I’ve had a (brief) look at President Abul Kalam’s speech and the fact that he used a presentation software (i.e. Powerpoint) and a laptop during his speech and more importantly showing extremely information-rich slides is an indication how far behind we still are.

#2 joseph on 02.01.07 at 9:12 am

Could we be stimulated by Abul Kalam’s speech and have a vision of 2020 for Mauritius!China has a 2025 vision and a 2050 plan in the drawing…Let the thrust of the vision of the future pulls the nation energies! and let us put aside the small disruptive dissentions between the political parties and intestinal rivalries and rifts within the parties. A good leader is one who focuses on the essentials and leave aside the sub

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