Harmony can only be Chinese

From my childhood, I had at all times heard my grandpa, Koung Koung talking about harmony and the just middle way.His “Confucius” up bringing could only direct him to such language. The search for “Harmony” in all matters was his life quest. Harmony in human relations is what I cherish and have taken from him. For him “justice” is equivalent to “harmony” for all. The now, under study since 2005, the Chinese Government under Mr. Hu is taking harmony as his diplomatic driver.

A recent commentary in the People’s Daily newspaper begins by saying that “2006 has been the first year for the Chinese government to implement its `harmonious-world-oriented’ diplomacy.” The article recognises that when Mr. Hu first formulated the theory in late 2005, it left “world public opinion perplexed, not knowing how to put it into practice.”

The harmony of the Yin and Yang and the search of the equilibrium of the five elements are the essential of Chinese-ness is n’t it?

The big question is How to bring about this harmonious world? I found reading an editorial of ” The Hindu”, the Chennai based newspaper a hint towards Mr.Hu ‘s rolling out actions to the world. This comment was most probably triggered by the brother like conversations that the Prime Minister of India had with the China’s number 1 at Cebu yesterday.The neighboring great countries of the future seem to be starting off a honey moon.

Vive l’harmonie des nations!


#1 marie claire wong on 01.16.07 at 2:35 am

hi sow chen – coucou de montreal avant ki mo quitte bureau. dire toi bien ki kan mo gagne ene ti le temps, mo all lor to blog pou lire to ban rencontres/recits interessants ek ban dimoune to zoine, etc. mo pas ti koner ki nou ena ene ecrivain dans la famille. chapeau pour tes textes, réflexions et merci de nous les faire partager aussi; to merite ene “doctorat honoris causa” de l’universite des familles ahlim/yiptong. salam malekom.

#2 joseph on 01.17.07 at 10:03 am

Bonne fete Marie Claire et surtout pour la promotion a la 6eme decennie. Ce sera le temps d’un bilan et de construire une nouvelle vie des la retraite. Temps de la moisson! Temps de collecter les bienfaits d une vie de labeur! Temps d’apprehender une nouvelle serenite!
Dieu vous benisse chers cousine et cousin.

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