I was again blessed to receive the visit of Fr. Micheal who brought to me yesterday, communion, our Lord’s gift to mankind. Thereafter,we had an interesting talk when we shared our thoughts and life paths.Then he presented to me the book of Anthony de Mello S.J. : The Song of the Bird which was first published in 1982 in India. Looking at the condition of the book tendered to me I could imagine to the number of hands this copy has been through and imagine the benefits the contents would have been drawn by the readers.Do I become some what mystical if I dare say ” I could feel the vibrations oozing to and from this apparently inert lump of stacked paper and dried printed ink each time it was read?” Yes, to see beyond the physical present state!De Mello is in eternity now, in the timeless,he passed away in 1987 and yet he is still communicating to us through his gospel, his writings….
In first inside cover page reads:
I imagine that today is the last day of my life.I ask for writing materials and compose for my friends and loved ones a sort of testament,a gospel of my life. The points that follow are possible titles to the chapters of that Gospel:
These things I have loved in life… Things I tasted….and looked at…and smelt…and heard…and touched…
The experiences I have cherished…
These ideas have liberated me…
These beliefs that I have outgrown…
These convictions I have lived by…
These things I have lived for…
These insights I have arrived at in the course of my life: insights into God,Christ,the world,human nature,love, prayer,religion…
The risks I have taken…
These sufferings have seasoned me….
These lessons have taught me…
These influences(persons,events,occupations,books,…)have shaped my life….
These scripture passages have lit my path…
These things I regret about my life…
These are my life’s achievement….
These persons are enshrined in my heart…
These are my unfulfilled desires….
The song of the bird is a book of short and numerous stories to be read and reread, to be reflected on,and perhaps discussed in small group to share the insights with each other….
The author Anthony de Mello wishes to create a silence within the reader and to let the story reveal its inner depth and meaning. A meaning beyond words and reflections,gradually giving a feel for the mystical.
So well and poetically said by the author:’allow the fragrance or its melody to haunt you”.
“Why does the bird sing?” said the Master.
A bird does not sing because he has a statement. He sings because he has a song.
The word of the scholar are to be understood. The words of the master are not to be understood.They are to be listened to as one listens to the wind in the trees and the sound of the river and the song of the bird.They will awaken something within the heart that is beyond knowledge.
My very good friend Andre would have loved to read more of Anthony de Mello!