Entries from January 2007 ↓
January 29th, 2007 — Ayurveda, People

To bid farewell or to say goodbye may sometimes prove a more difficult task than you can imagine. Having spent over more than nine weeks at the center, I admit that I have taken some habits and mode of living which now I will have to part with. The material comfort and amenities are not the most important things to leave behind: the atmosphere and hospitality climate held by the people are what I shall have to forego. The smiles of the garden hands, the namaste greetings of the therapists met in the yard and the cordial welcoming of the staff which I have begun to know by their first names, the care and attention given by the medical team and last but not least, the friendliness of fellow co- residents will soon vanish for ever, as if it would be the end of a film in which I was one of the actors.
A new page has to be turned. A new page will soon open with, in the background, the memories, experiences of this Mysore hideaway. Life could never ever be the same again! My vision of life is now tinted with the learnings gained through the interactions with persons of such variety and from so many origins. Young,middle aged ,retired, be it from Europe Britain,France,Italy , Spain, Germany ,Austria,Australia , America, Canada,India,Japan, Singapore almost the world has been present. The time frame is lost forever, it cannot be reconstructed again in the same place, same setting with the same persons.
The wonderful moments are in the realm of memories now, too bad if one did not catch them to the fullest of their intensity and made the most of it.
I found that I whisked through the ten weeks. I did not have time to get bored. As opposed to my earlier fear, eating vegetarian for the period was a song! The massage treatments were a bliss and the health care was excellent and the hospitality wonderful. There were quite a number of minor improvements that could have been made to bring to perfection my stay. Perfection they say is not of this world!
I came to buy more mobility in my limbs, I came out without the mobility improvements sought for but depart now with a luggage filled up with love from the staff and co- residents and contented with a nice break from my routine life and hopefully a better body , mind & soul condition.
Thank you all for making my stay an enjoyable and enriching experience. Hopefully the mobility will come at a later stage. Golden cell 208 is now free!
January 28th, 2007 — Ayurveda, People, Reflexion

Dear Doctor
Not every single day of your life is the same.
Each day brings its lot of happiness and challenges
because isn’t it life a continuous quest
for equilibrium between the opposing forces?
Today is so special for you.
Blessed was the day when many of moon ago
Out of the love of two persons so dear to
you came the emerging fruit of their union.
Propulsed by the initial impetus given by your parents
you have contrived with your own will and efforts
to forge yourself into the talented person you are today.
Teacher, as you have been trained, you will always be
a knowledge source to your entourage
Your delicate ways and keen attention to the needs of others
are the living proof of your Hippocratic oath
Even your Carnatic talents and singing
gift direct to the healing of mankind.
Man of so much talent I had the privilege to meet.
I am so thankful to the Almighty for this grace
I pray the Lord to bless you and your family to be accompanied by Him forever.
The departure of your daughter this week end from the family nest: like a small bird reaching maturity,
she will be flying on her own wings to catch the wind of success! True, a pinch of the heart may well be felt, but this will quickly be inundated by a feeling of hope at the prospect of the world opening to her
Isn’t it our aim: to nurture new spirits to cultivate our world?
January 26th, 2007 — Reflexion

26th January 1950 is one of the most important days in Indian history as it was on this day the constitution of India came into force and India became a truly sovereign state. On this day India became a totally republican unit. The other celebration is the 15th August which is called the Independence Day. The country finally realized the dream of Mahatma Gandhi and the numerous freedom fighters who fought for and sacrificed their lives for the independence of their country.  So, ever since, the 26th of January was decreed a national holiday and has been recognized and celebrated as the Republic Day of India.
26th January 2007 is also a day of great rejoicing at IVAC. At 9 am all the staff and guests were assembled to have a rising of the flag in presence of the senior management. The short ceremony was enhanced by the singing of the national anthem.
I was delighted to take cognizance of the President Abul Kalam message for the occasion. His speech he titled: ‘What can I give to the nation?†is well worth reading as he enumerates India’s achievements in a number of fields and gives the vision of the over a billion heads strong country in 2020.
It was also “fete†for me today. Marie Anne & Stephane arrived in the early morning from Montreal. They brought in with them a large box of chocolate & candies to be distributed to the therapists and hands of the center. It was our way to celebrate with them the India Republic day and be thankful for their services.
January 25th, 2007 — Entrepreneurship, Mauritius, Reflexion

En 1806, était il possible de s’en procurer aux marché une volaille pour se nourrir et d’en faire une fête ? Peut-être bien que la volaille était de la ferme de l’éleveur ou alors la volaille été le produit de la chasse !
En 2006, est il possible de s’en procurer du poisson pêcher ou du poisson de ferme? Dans peu de temps, les produits pêchés de la mer ne suffiront pas. L’exploitation grandissante de la pêche conjuguée avec une baisse drastique de la reproduction marine résultera dans un déficit irréversible. O la ! Déjà les quotas sont imposés par les pays sensés et conscients de la situation critique de la pêche non contrôlée. La solution : l’aquaculture ou cultiver l’océan.
Je vous recommande la lecture d’un mini dossier qui parait sur l’express du jour le 24 janvier. Je me réjouis de voir l’évolution de la deuxième phase de la societe FMM. Red Drum semble avoir pris des ailes….Outre de se trouver à la table des convives de Maurice, Red Drum et Guele Pavee de FMM donnent saveur aux repas gastronomique maintenant en Suisse, Afrique du sud, les pays du Golfe, les états unis d’Amérique et le Canada. FMM a ouvert la voie me disait mon ami Jean Pierre H…, maintenant les gros captaines arrivent ! La bataille et le jeu d’influence seront pour les meilleurs sites ! Voila que l’industrie de la mer prend son envol. Petit Ile Maurice avec un champ d’action océanique très étendue ! Ile Maurice Ferme océanique d’envergure c’est mon rêve !
Deuxième phase de développement pour la première ferme aquacole
■L’aquaculture offshore, c’est-à -dire dans le lagon n’est pas inconnue à Maurice. Il y a les barachois du gouvernement et de certains particuliers qui alimentent de temps en temps le marché local. Le projet le plus important dans ce secteur a été lancé en 2002 par la ferme marine de Mahé Bourg. Des ombrines et gueules pavés (dorade royale) sont en effet élevés en cage dans une profondeur de 30 mètres à Pointe-aux-Feuilles.
La ferme produit une centaine de tonnes par an et vise à porter cette production à 500 tonnes cette année avec une deuxième phase de développement qui verra la mise sur pied de son usine de traitement de poissons. “Nous exportons en ce moment notre poisson tout entier dans du glaçon vers les états-Unis, le Canada, l’Afrique du Sud et Dubayy. Nos clients payent ce poisson très cher parce qu’ils importent la tête et les écailles qu’ils ne consomment pas. Avec l’usine de traitement qui sera prête vers avril, nous pourrons écailler et transformer le poisson en filets. Nous exporterons beaucoup plus et produirons environ 1 000 tonnes l’année prochaineâ€, nous a indiqué un Chris Lee, directeur financier de la ferme. La ferme marine de Mahébourg a commencé par importer des Å“ufs d’ombrine des états-Unis. Elle produit aujourd’hui ses propres Å“ufs d’ombrine et de gueule pavée. Elle ne peut cependant pas exporter vers l’Union européenne, son unité de production n’ayant pas été homologuée par les autorités européennes. “Nous espérons pouvoir obtenir la certification nécessaire en avril pour entrer sur le marché européenâ€, affirme Chirs Lee. La ferme marine de Mahébourg,, tout comme Velmar, producteur de marlin fumé, sont en fait victimes d’une énorme bourde commise dans le passé par le gouvernement mauricien. La faute pourrait être réparée avec l’aide d’un consultant néo-zélandais d’ici peu.
Cultivons l’Océan…notre Ferme Marine Bio et Ecolo!
January 24th, 2007 — People, Reflexion
Que pourrait m’évoquer le mot IRIS ?
D’abord ce qui me vient immédiatement à l’esprit :
Iris, la déesse de la mythologie grecque, messagère déesse des arcs en ciel qui illuminent la création de toutes les couleurs. A l’image de RA,
dieu de l’Egypte (qui me ramène à la fête égyptienne sur le Nil, de mon ascension à ma cinquantaine),
Iris, sphincter entourant la pupille de l’œil ou encore l’iris de l’objectif de mon appareil à photo,
Iris, fleur de jardin de mon enfance à Port Louis et surtout cette allée de fleur bordant l’entrée de la maison de ma tante à Quatre Bornes,
Iris, tableau de Vincent Van Gogh, que me parlaient Tante Nanny avec grande passion pour l’avoir vu au musée d’Amsterdam,
Iris, aura a partir d’aujourd’hui, une nouvelle évocation : celle de la rencontre avec Paule, qui a donne à son nouveau établissement le nom de « Aux Iris » près de Fontainebleu.
Paule, française, dentiste, professeur de Yoga, interessee a la medecine naturelle, m’a bien entretenu cet après-midi. Merci bien! J’ai senti dans sa présence une douceur ; paix d’esprit et une quête vers une communion avec notre créateur. Nous avons parlé de ses voyages, qu’elle a entrepris dans le passé et comme ancienne membre de Invitation à la Vie et de son projet ou elle a Å“uvré tout l’an dernier. « Aux Iris » un lieu des séminaires, de stage et de ressourcement thérapeutique et artistique.Où le couple Beurdeley dispenseront de l’attention, des soins et du bonheur. Je leur souhaite plein de succès ! O Iris envoie dans le firmanent les couleurs de l’arc en ciel!
January 23rd, 2007 — Mauritius, People, Reflexion

The most popular man person of France, Abbe Pierre managed to top Zinedine Zidane in 2003 as the most popular personality of France . This was quite a feat!
Today,he left this world. On hearing of his demise over Radio, when I got time, I took the opportunity to read more information about this illustrious personality. I was aware of his past visit to Mauritius ,when he left his mark by initiating ” Relais de l’esperance” and giving the impetus to “Abri de nuit”, both light house projects run by CARITAS in Mauritius.
From what I read on the net, his work for the poorest of the poor namely creation of the Emmaus movement , Foundation Abbe Pierre will perpetuate his deeds no doubt. We shall miss his independence of mind and frank speaking. He urged all of us to have compassion to each others and extend our help to the rejected of the society…Gays, Hiv infected and others…
What really was a lesson for me from him was his public admission of his weakness. In 2005, called often, a walking live saint by many, he admitted publicly having casual sex with a female partner in spite of his vows of chastity. He succumbed to temptations of the flesh…
Even saints commit sin: after all they are only humans! Immaculate is the term reserved to God & Virgin Mary the chosen by God!To have compassion, to care for your brothers,to forgive I thus conclude is the way of Sainthood.
Merci Abbe Pierre .
Streaky People
We generally divide people into 2 categories;saints and sinners. The division is quite imaginary. For one thing,no one really knows who the saints are and who the sinners are;appearances are deceptive. For another,all of us,saints and sinners, are sinners.
A preacher once put this question to a class of children:” if all the good people were white and all the bad people were black, what color would you be? Little Mary replied: ‘ Reverend Father,I’d be streaky!’
So would be the Reverend. So would be the canonized saints.
Attempts to hide the ‘streakiness’ of our holy people are sometimes successful,always dishonest.
This is an extract of the book “the Song of the bird” which is currently my bed time, resource and soul nourishing book!
January 22nd, 2007 — Reflexion
This was my comments to a blogger who questioned his celibacy at 30?

Is it an issue for you? Personally! After all it is you the main concern?
Suppose that you had found the best Dal pourri in town, surely you will be talking to your friends about it and even inviting them to taste these delicious wonders? .
The successful married couples only want you to taste the bliss of married life! As with many things, life marriage comes with its lot of challenges & benefits.If the +s are higher than the -s then you have made it. The fun is working at it.It is in the process!The joy of the discovery of the love ones!The learning of down playing of our Ego and being humble! Valuing the differences!Giving & Receiving love & forgiveness!Sharing our profound ultimates!Undergo and live the school of generosity!Shouldering together the responsibility of raising children. The road to unconditional love!
Having been married for 34 years,I can tell you that it has been and still is a worthwhile positive adventure with the big +s and small -s.
Be it an arranged marriage, or an introduction by friends,or relatives or love found by some fortuitous encounter: “entree en matiere” is not the main issue.
The crux is the decision of the spouses to make the vow and to stick to a common project ! Love after all is a decision. The feeling of love may be called infatuation which often wears off…. It is very much like the decision of building a gigantic life long project together.
Having tasted it,I also wish you, if you so desire, to find a life companion to share your life. Traveling along the life path is so much more pleasant, spicy,fun and challenging in good company…. and keep on blogging…
Trust I have excited your thinking! Do go over the links….
Not bad for a Sunday morning prose….said Watson.
January 21st, 2007 — books, Entrepreneurship, Reflexion
Last night the reading of the 33 free pages available on the net of Wikinomics held my breath. Don Tapscot & Anthony Williams‘s book promises to give the reader the evolution of mass collaboration in the new Wiki world.
I particularly enjoyed understanding the principle of Wikinomics and their proposal to strive in the new environment which sprouted from the linux experience. Also, Jacques Attali in his recent book also seems to share the same vision of the future in terms of collaboration & “le monde de gratuite”. . Definitely we shall experience a new form of man-mangement and human interaction in the work environment which in turn will influence the social interactions. Respect & independence whilst collaborating to the achievement of the set objective to serve the common good for free( without retaining a financial individual claim on the final product or project)!I believe this might well be the spark to greater peace,in line with my optimistic wishful thinking.
I recommend you to avail of this freebie reading….
January 20th, 2007 — Ayurveda, books, Mauritius, People

India without yoga could not be India. It may well be yet another gift that India has to offer to the western world. “Kriya Yoga brings about an integrated transformation of the individual in all five planes of existence: physical, vital, mental, intellectual and spiritual. Everyone can practice it and thus find happiness and peace.”
Yesterday, since I was confined to my room, during the day & because during the PanchaKarma treatment no one is not allowed to be exposed to the windy atmosphere, I did not witness the arrival of this large group of 20 persons strong at the center. I later got to meet and exchange with a few of the group who are all disciples of a yogi master who has his Ashram in Quebec. They come from all over the world in pilgrimage to south India with their teacher Marshall Govindan Satchidananda, who I saw from afar later at lunch.
I was told that the individuals of group come from all walks of life, all bonded by the practice of Kriya Yoga and meditation as revealed by Babaji. The world wide coverage of Marshall Govindan Satchidananda’s teachings & achievements, as seen on the net, seem impressive. Browsing at the website is well worth the while. Even Mauritius and Reunion islands are listed in the world wide contact
January 19th, 2007 — books, Entrepreneurship
“Ram Charan [consults] for the largest and most powerful companies . . . even more than his dedication; it’s his insights that have won him the ear of hundreds of top managers. . . . What Charan loves to do is to solve business problems. With his plainspoken Socratic approach, he helps demolish organizational silos or persuade entrenched executives to change their points of view. . . . Companies seek him out for his ‘wise man’ approach rather than choosing a consultant with a narrow specialty.”
—Fast Company
I had last night, the opportunity to scrutinize his latest book: Know how. I have taken some notes therein which would be handy to entrepreneurs, in search of leadership skills, and who are reading me.
The Eight Know-Hows
Here is a breakdown of the eight know-hows:
1. Positioning and Repositioning: Finding a central
Idea for business that meets customer demands and that
makes money.
2. Pinpointing External Change: Detecting patterns
in a complex world to put the business on the offensive.
3. Leading the Social System: Getting the right people
together with the right behaviors and the right information
to make better, faster decisions and achieve business
4. Judging People: Calibrating people based on their
actions, decisions and behaviors, and matching them to
the non-negotiables of the job.
5. Molding a Team: Getting highly competent, highego
leaders to coordinate seamlessly.
6. Setting Goals: Determining the set of goals that
balances what the business can become with what it can
realistically achieve.
7. Setting Laser-Sharp Priorities: Defining the path
and aligning resources, actions and energy to accomplish
the goals.
8. Dealing With Forces Beyond the Market:
Anticipating and responding to societal pressures you
don’t control but that can affect your business.
Command of the eight know-hows enables you to
diagnose any situation and take appropriate action, lifting
you out of your comfort zone of expertise by developing
skills that prepare you to do what the situation
requires, not just what you’ve traditionally been good at.
Personal Traits and the
The following are the personal traits that can help
or interfere with the know-hows:
✓ Ambition — to accomplish something noteworthy
BUT NOT win at all costs.
✓ Drive and Tenacity — to search, persist and
follow through BUT NOT hold on too long.
✓ Self-Confidence — to overcome the fear of
failure, fear of response or the need to be liked and
use power judiciously BUT NOT become arrogant
and narcissistic.
✓ Psychological Openness — to be receptive
to new and different ideas AND NOT shut other
people down.
✓ Realism — to see what can actually be accomplished
AND NOT gloss over problems or assume
the worst.
✓ Appetite for Learning — to continue to grow
and improve the know-hows AND NOT repeat the
same mistakes.
Detecting Patterns in the
Complex World
Here are seven simple questions that can help you
sort through and detect patterns in the complex
world around you:
1. What is happening in the world today? The
most significant trends affecting business transcend
company and industry.
2. What part of my frame of reference has
worked for me? What hasn’t worked for me? The
construction of your own frame of reference based
on previous experience is a large part of learning to
detect changes in external patterns.
3. What does it mean for anyone? The newspaper
industry is undergoing vast changes as a result
of the Internet and Google.
4. What does it mean for us? Once you have the
big picture, you can begin to examine what it means
for your own company’s strategies. That’s what
General Electric’s CEO Jeff Immelt did when he
decided to meld several of GE’s businesses into the
infrastructure business to sell items such as energy
equipment and services, railroad locomotives and
aircraft items — all necessary ingredients in rapidly
growing economies.
5. What would have to happen? Apple’s invention
of the iPod would have been considerably less successful
had it not created iTunes, the online source
of downloadable music.
6. What do we have to do to play a role? GE’s
decision to market its infrastructure products in
emerging markets required it to reorganize those
businesses in a way that recognized the difference
between selling a power plant to an American utility
and selling that same power plant to a foreign
7. What do we do next?
In the nutshell, the role of the entrepreneur is thus: Diagnosing, Designing and Leading.
I thoroughly enjoyed my reading and would recommend you to read Ram Charan for his insights. As is often the case, knowing something is only good enough…Applying the knowledge is more important.