Entries from December 2006 ↓
December 31st, 2006 — People, Reflexion
Today is the last day of the year 2006. The last day of the year and the night of the birth of the new year has always has been so special to me.For this day, this year it will be for the last 60 years, the first time that I would spend it without the physical presence of my family and dear ones.As far as my memories goes, these special dates have always been shared with my loved ones.
As a child, I was ever surrounded with my parents, grand parents, aunties, uncles, cousins for the occasion of welcoming the New Year. In my youth, the 31st were also shared with friends in dancing parties and festive atmosphere, except only once I spent this very New Year’s Eve at Foyer de l’Unite Soulliac praying. But there again I was in great peace, but I was always in good company.
Fortunately, with modern technology, the internet and the mobile telephones, I shall be able to connect and be in communications with my love ones to night.The mind provides me also this magnificent sense of ubiquity. In mind or in spirit I am in relation with my family. No fear I do not feel lonely! I am in meta union with all of you, my dears.
I received last night a picture of my brother Sylvestre’s entire family who got together from through out Canada for the occasion of Christmas. There again the branch, Brothers, uncles, aunties , nieces and nephews in Quebec shall be meeting for the occasion! As today is his birthday which was the reason he was given the name, this day is unique in our family. The 31st is for me, the memories of the celebrations of brother Sylvestre’s birthday with a very special nougat special cake which year after year were offered by his godparents TonTon Ahlone & tante Lucienne.
This very day is so pregnant of wonderful memories of time spent together with numerous people that I am in awe.This year 2007 will also be the year of the Pig, my year, I would be promoted to a new category of citizen with special privileges.
Lastly, my thoughts this morning, goes to my parents, who 61 years ago in spite of the then difficulties they were living, stresses and pressures they were then enduring, decided to found a family and to take the challenge to travel to an unknown country.They were full of hope and were consciously in faith of the blessings of God. They kept ever since and there on praying and asking for His love.Today from Heaven, they are now praising Our Lord for His Blessing.
December 30th, 2006 — Messe, Reflexion
J’étais très heureux ce matin, après ma séance de massage et de traitement à l’huile et décoction d’herbes Ayurvédique de rencontrer le Pere Micheal. La veille de Noël toute une chorale du séminaire de la congrégation de St Monfort et  de St Gabriel était venue à IVAC pour nous mettre les résidents dans le recueillement et l’ambiance de la fête de Noël. Père Micheal est donc revenu ce matin pour me donner le sacrement de réconciliation et la bénédiction du Seigneur. Quel bonheur de recevoir le sacrement ce jour! A Mysore !Le Seigneur a fait pour moi des merveilles.
Je cite un passage de Magnificat de ce jour :
L’Antienne d’ouverture témoigne de l’extraordinaire liberté avec laquelle la liturgie use de la parole de Dieu pour pénétrer plus avant dans le mystère du salut. Cette simple phrase, si évocatrice, nous parle aujourd’hui du profond silence de la nuit au cours de laquelle Jésus est né. Or le livre de la Sagesse évoquait en ces termes le passage de L’Exterminateur  dans la nuit de l’Exode. C’est que Noël et Pâques se rejoignent comme fêtes de la libération de l’homme, de sa delivrance du péché. Faisant renaître en lui la création déchue, le Fils de Dieu fait homme restaure toute chose et remet l’homme egaré sur le chemin qui mène vers Dieu.
Et puis encore…
La lecture de la première lettre de Saint Jean propose par la liturgie se lit ainsi :
 Je vous le dis mes enfants : « Vos péchés sont pardonnés a cause du nom de Jésus. »
December 29th, 2006 — Ayurveda, People
Good bye Sowmya & Bernd and many thanks for the wonderful time spent together at the dinning hall of IVAC. To night was their last diner as they are leaving to morrow.
As is often the case when asked “where I came from”, I would give the inquiring person 5 chances to guess the country and offer a prize of 50 rupees if he or she would successfully give the answer.Most of the time,it would be impossible to get the correct answer.This time Sowmya played the game in reverse to me. I had to guess: where they were living? Sowmya by her looks and for having observed her for a while was Indian from the area as I could make out that she could speak Kannada to the waiters.Her husband by the accent, & complexion would be German.I was not able to guess that they were residing in China Beijing in spite of the hint given to me that they lived in an Indian neighboring country.
I had great fun talking to the newly wed couple and got to know them a little bit better.We discussed quite lengthy on Sowmya’s views of the India’s society and its evolution.She was educated throughout her secondary education by Catholic sisters and she had a balanced and qualified opinions on the motives of such apparent acts of generosity on the part of the sisters.She questioned the freedom of choice given, to the third world countries nuns in India,Switzerland and else where in Europe in serving their “vows”.Are they forced by circumstances, like a way of getting a better living, or do they live up to their vows in total free will?
Bern & Sowmya met in Lausanne, where she was working in the IT department of an international Insurance Company after having worked for sometime in Bangolore. Bern is presently on an overseas posting in China procuring for his company.
Wish them a prosperous & happy married life!
December 28th, 2006 — Ayurveda, books
Before he leaves to San Diego Dr.Talavane Krishna the man who is the creator and engine driving the IVAC’s realization gave a short lecture on yet another Vedic subject which is of great interest to him. His studies in Vaastu was aroused out of necessity. When he started the project of setting up a home in Mysore and an Ayurvedic centre he had so much difficulties.He described:How by getting the positioning and erection of buildings in conformity with the energies changed the course of his life events? He has, by way of this experience learned and studied Vaastu and has now become a Vaastu consultant. Through his studies and his previous Ayurvedic studies, it was relatively easy for him to draw parallels between Vedic Astrology(Jyotish), Avyurveda( the science of well being)and Vaastu( the science of structures) as they all are founded in the same principles and may be sourced in the common Vedic literatures.
During the Q&A session,Dr. Krishna discussed briefly on the similarities & differences between Feng Shiu as there were members of the assembly who were of Chinese origin.Both are art of placement and have their roots in the knowledge of planetary energies and basic elements that govern them.Vaastu considers space, air,fire water and earth whilst Feng shiu Wind,water,fire & air. Height/weight distribution,exalted/debilitated positions and extensions & cuts are additional elements proposed in a more mathematically inclined Vaastu.
He responded to my interrogation on the effects of energies direction when one is situated in the southern hemisphere.According to him the climatic forces orientations being different, in fact opposite,he reckoned that Vaastu reading could be different. The Vedas were observations and writings made for the Northern hemisphere.As to the interplanetary system there would be no changes.
He then presented his book: The Vaastu Workbook, a simple to read book with numerous drawings and practical examples.
Thank you Dr. Krishna for entertaining us and sharing your wide knowledge and experiences.
December 26th, 2006 — Ayurveda, Blogging, Uncategorized
Time came to bid farewell to a number of newly made friends, ayurvedic companions with the wish to exchange emails and photos. Good Bye to the Shah’s sisters presently London UK, residents, Kenya born who fled Arap Moi’s rule. Good Bye to Leslie & Jessie, Canadian, in the prime of adulthood, who are enjoying sabbatical years after the undergraduate University studies.Farewell to Marlyse of Geneva who is continuing her Kerala state visit in research of deeper ayurvedic knowledge.
 
A new lot of rejuvenation & health seekers have landed at IVAC this week. The house keeping staff told me that they are under pressure as the center is almost housefull. The therapist planning center is now a bee hive.We wish that the additional treatment rooms were ready! A therapist told me, that he has been on his foot since 5.am this morning and will not hit bed before 10.00 tonight. This is high tide for them.
I have met couple of Singaporeans Chineses at time lunch time! As an “old†time resident, I see that change as a new wave of water flowing in the cliff!
December 25th, 2006 — Uncategorized
This afternoon of Christmas, has been a wonderful day in Mysore. Beautiful blue sky , sunny with a very comfortable ambient temperature! The day started off with the official launching of the Department of Clinical research in integrative medicine of Ivac with the University of Mysore and Vikram Hospital. Journalists and other dignitaries were assembled for the occasion in the Yoga Hall when the ceremonial light was ignited in front of the staff and guests.A sweet drink made of herbs and honey was served to grace the moment.All Ayurvedic treatments were delayed for the occasion.

Whilst sitting and chatting at the reception with a guest, I saw walking up the stairs a face that looked familiar. It looked to me to be a franco Mauritian but I was unsure. Then after I re-saw the couple on the terrace sipping their herbal tea. This time, no mistake I could see the face of either a Maujean or a Hein! On hearing the franco accent coming out of his mouth,I made out: Hein! It was Louis Hein , the brother of Philippe Hein who was the Personnel Director of Rogers & Co in the 70’s.They were on visit in India and they have decided to spend 5 days touring Karnataka before a hopping tour of Rajasthan palaces.
Le monde est petit!
December 24th, 2006 — Reflexion
De ma prison dorée, d’un coin perdu à Mysore dans un centre de réhabilitation ou j’essaie de gagner un peu de mobilité je vous prie de croire qu’ ici également la fête de la naissance de Jésus notre Sauveur fait l’objet d un grande joie. Par contre celui que l’on fête n est pas du tout mentionné ou nommé par les fetards.
La direction du centre, à l’instant même nous prépare une grande fête pour l’occasion. Une grande salle verte est érigée sur la pelouse ou un grand buffet végétarien et ayurvédique nous sera servi. Le parfum suave des épices flotte déjà dans l’air étant transporté vers mon chalet, par ce petit courant d’air frais et revigorant qui chaque après-midi souffle sur notre partie de Mysore. Je peux vous dire avec mon régime de nourriture réduite que ma faim est vivement sollicitée. Au loin, nous entendons le roronement des motos et vélomoteurs avec leurs pots échappements arrangés pour un gain de vitesse qui font la course sur les pistes et les sentiers de la colline de Chamundi Hill à des allures folles. Il appelle cela « Sunday bike Rally ». Le paysage sonore est scandé bien audiblement des quintes de klaxons des plus variées. Nous sont en Inde après tout, voyons voir ! C est la fête : c’est Dimanche jour de détente.
Par contre, vous tous qui connaissent la vrai raison de la réjouissance, ce soir, je vous souhaite Joie et espérance apportées par Lui notre Sauveur!
December 22nd, 2006 — Ayurveda, Uncategorized

Three friends from Frankfurt Germany have decided to spend their holiday to rejuvenate their health.Jorg a much travelled banker at Credit Agricole Frankfurt reported back by email that he was fully satisfied with his stay at IVAC.He came out a new healthy man.Sabine who also accompanied the team returned home refreshed,happily taking up her new job position and is looking to come back at a later date.As for Stephan, a seasoned traveler being a Lufthansa in flight staff senior instructor, he simply had a wonderful different holiday.
All these remarks can only vouch for the services and benefits that are provided here.As for myself,though happy with the courtesy and well being provided to me,I am still awaiting for more progress in my mobility.
December 21st, 2006 — Messe, Reflexion
J’en ai connu des contes de Noel. Mais celui-ci que j’ai recu d’un ami ce matin m’a vraiment èmu.Il fallait que je publie ce conte sur mon blog en guise de souhait.
Le titre : Mon Anniversaire
Comme tu le sais, nous nous approchons une fois de plus de la date de mon anniversaire. Tous les ans on fait une fête en mon honneur et je crois que cette année ce sera pareil. En ces jours-ci, les gens font beaucoup d’achats, il y a des annonces à la radio et à la télévision, et on ne parle que de cela. Il ne manque plus que d’arriver à ce jour-là .
C’est agréable de savoir qu’au moins un jour par an quelques personnes pensent un peu à moi. Comme tu le sais, il y a de nombreuses années que l’on a commencé à célébrer mon anniversaire. Au début, les gens paraissaient comprendre et remercier ce que j’avais fait pour eux. Mais maintenant il semble que plus personne ne sait ce qu’on célèbre. On se réunit et se divertit beaucoup mais sans savoir de quoi il s’agit.
Je me souviens que l’an passé lorsqu’on est arrivé au jour de mon anniversaire, on a fait une grande fête en mon honneur. Il y avait des mets délicieux sur la table, tout était décoré et il y avait beaucoup de cadeaux. Mais tu sais quoi?…
On ne m’a même pas invité! J’étais le héro du jour et on ne m’avait pas envoyé d’invitation. La fête était pour moi et quand le grand jour est arrivé on m’a fermé la porte…Et moi qui aurais tant voulu partager leur table.
Réellement cela ne m’a pas surpris, car depuis plusieurs années, tous me ferment la porte. De sorte que comme on ne m’avait pas invité. J’ai eu l’idée d’y être, sans faire de bruit, je suis entré et suis resté dans un coin.
Ils étaient tous là , buvant, quelques-uns ivres, racontant des blagues, riant.. Ils s’amusaient vraiment, mais le comble c’est lorsqu’est arrivé lo VIEUX GROS, VÊTU DE ROUGE, avec sa BARBE BLANCHE et criant HO HO HO!!! Il avait l’air d’avoir bu plus que son compte, il se laissa tomber lourdement dans un fauteuil et tous criaient “Père Noël! Père Noël !†comme si la fête était en son honneur.Â
Les 12 coups de minuit ont sonné et ils ont commencé à s’embrasser. Moi j’ai tendu les bras, espérant que quelqu’un m’embrasserait… et tu sais quoi? Personne ne m’a embrassé.
Ensuite ils ont commencé a distribuer les cadeaux, un à un, et ils les ouvrirent jusqu’au dernier. Je me suis approché pour voir si par hasard il y en avait un pour moi, mais il n’y avait rien. Qu’est-ce que tu ressentirais si le jour de ton anniversaire tous s’échangeraient des cadeaux et qu’il n’y en aurait pas pour toi? C’est alors que j’ai compris que j’étais de trop dans cette fête. Je suis sorti sans bruit, et je me suis retiré en fermant la porte derrière moi.
 Chaque année c’est pire. Les gens se souviennent du réveillon, des cadeaux et des fêtes, et personne ne se souvient de moi
J’aimerais que cette année, à Noël, tu me permettes d’entrer dans ta vie, que tu reconnaisses qu’il y a 2000 ans je suis venu en ce monde pour donner ma vie pour toi sur la croix et ainsi pouvoir te sauver. Aujourd’hui, je désire seulement que tu crois cela de tout ton coeur.
 Je vais te dire quelque chose. J’ai pensé que comme beaucoup ne m’invitent pas à la fête qu’ils préparent, moi je vais faire ma propre fête, grandiose comme jamais personne ne l’a imaginé, une fête spectaculaire. Je suis encore dans les préparatifs, j’envoie beaucoup d’invitations et aujourd’hui, il y en a une spéciale pour toi. Tout ce que je te demande, c’est que tu me dises si tu veux y assister et je te réserverai une place et j’écrirai ton nom dans ma grande liste d’invités avec réservation anticipée. Mais ceux qui n’auront pas répondu devront rester dehors.
Prépare-toi car lorsque tout sera prêt, le jour où tu y penseras le moins, je donnerai ma grande fête..
Et oui, trop souvent perdu dans la tourmente de notre societe de consommation, nous nous attachons à l’accessoire au lieu de conserver  l’e s s e n t i e l !
 Bonne Anniversaire Jesus!
December 20th, 2006 — Blogging
Google in entering in partnership with GoDaddy.com and eNom wil be selling domain names for 10 Dollars inclusive with a package of services.
This is good news for world wide users and e-commerce. It is predicted that this move would further the growth of Blogging.
On the other hand the action of the almighty Google threatens a number of companies who have made registration and sales of domain names their bread & butter. These companies, for fear of being displaced,they have to evolve fast and change their strategies in the face of bulldozer Google!
The only constant is change as the saying goes!