Dr Krishna U.K.

We had lunch today with Dr. Krishna U.K.  He is the external ayurvedic authority advising IVAC. Whilst talking to him, we were stunned by his knowledge and life carreer.  He is presently the director of an ayurvedic teaching institution, of all places, Tokyo, Japan!  Some 20 years ago, when he graduated as a medical doctor in ayurveda, he was selected to travel to Japan to share his knowledge for a month. Thereon, he continued his studies in Japan where he learnt Japanese and obtained a PHD from a Japanese national university. His thesis, though related to the medical field, did  not cover ayurveda.  He studied the effect of charged isotopes, methyle alcohol on animals with specific diseases.  His papers were published in American universities.

I am very lucky to have met him and to get his advice on my condition.  He has, in the past, treated 100 similar cases. He proposes to treat my case with herbs and procedures that have been used for centuries whilst not being written in the ayurvedic manuals. These procedures and herbs respect fully the logic of ayurvedic cures.   Dr. Krishna travels regularly to other countries to give lectures on ayurveda.


#1 dr bentur on 12.22.06 at 12:10 pm

from my childhood i wanted to take up medicine as my proffession…. and when it was time for me to enter a medical college and i was preparing for common entrance exams i happen to read a lot about dr u k krishna and therefore about ayurveda, i was so impressed by dr u k krishna and equally the sceince of life… and i developed a great desire to study ayurveda.during my college days dr u k krishna did visit our college in bangalore , india … and i was glad to see him in person, the person who inspired and introduced me to ayurveda. now i am a practicising ayurvedic physician….

#2 joseph on 12.24.06 at 10:07 am

Congratulations Dr.Bentur for your persistence and drive to succeed which resulted in your becoming today an Ayurvedic physician. Dr. UK Krishna must be proud to know that he has inspired another Ayurvedic scholars to his very dear science. To have contributed to spread alternative medicine to Japan and to rest of the world is really praise worthy.Again Bravo Dr. UK Krishna.

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