Last Saturday, I had the great pleasure and the highest privilege, I felt, to listen to a talk by Bro. Timothy Radcliffe on leadership. During his talk, to describe the present environment of today s world where fear, an acceleration of change and unprecedented uncertainty prevails, Bro. Timothy hinted us to read the works of Zygmunt Bauman to understand the phenomenon.
When I came back home, and as soon as I could afford the time, I went to my desktop to look for Prof. Bauman’s great insights. I struck my gold pot of luck. I found a lecture given to by Prof. Zygmunt Bauman to an EU organization: Lecture on the ANSE-conference 2004 “Value dilemmas as a challenge in the practice and concepts of supervision and coaching”.
Do you want to understand to which destination our society is moving to? What is From Solid Modernity to liquid Modernity? Do you want to understand what has become of loyalty of employees in a work environment? What are the new meanings of responsibility, working in project teams and emancipation in the liquid Modernity? Should you be interested in human behavior, I highly recommend you to read the lecture notes. I found it most enlightening.
Indeed, man management in today’s context is a subject I am very interested in and I think, is the greatest challenge & most vital to entrepreneurs. By the way,on the past Friday, I had a full day lecture on the subject “Comment Manager votre equipe, Confiance, delegation et sens du client†by Sylvain Lecoq.
Funnily enough I had the impression after studying the few articles from Prof. Bauman today as if on the Friday I had lessons on the practical aspect of management and now the understanding of the changing trends of managing in the near future.
Should you be interested in the philosophical aspect of Bauman works I would recommend you to read Dolan Cummings comment “the trouble with being human these days: Identityâ€.
Bauman has written a series of books on his “Liquid†vision.