Blessed by the Sun

Blessed by the sun is not a new religion or sect that is being instituted. These we were the words that came to my mind this morning. Why? Sometimes ideas or words come to your conscious without a clear logical explanation. I need then to drill a bit into the head to elicit the words associations which coagulated the ideas.

I got it now. Two days ago, I got interested into solar energy and the recent development brought about in this field after viewing a BBC program. In great splash was reported a race of solar driven cars competing in Taiwan last week. This race unique in his kind was opened to young innovators. The event was sponsored by a Taiwanese solar panel developer: Motech. They aligned in the race prototype cars to show the world the possibilities opening to solar powered cars. Thereafter, I spent a few hours browsing the internet and searching for new developments in the field. Of interest, I found out that the UK is promoting small scale generation of sustainable energy.

Yesterday afternoon on the MBC, I heard Henri LOO the President of the association of Mauritian Architect promoting the benefits of the services of professional Architects. I could not resist putting in a comment on the designing of our houses to benefit from the effective use of the ecology to minimize our use of energy.

The AHA…trigger was in this morning’s news bulletin. Gasoline & Cooking Gas prices have increased with immediate effect. In the supposed modern building where I am now living, it is a real waste that the designers and promoters did not use solar panels to meet our needs in hotwater. Our hot water supply is fired by Gas. In a country blessed by the sun, it is really pitiful! We thought we could convert to Solar Panels. The answer by professionals was: the roofs can not take the systems.

In some parts of Colorado, USA, some proto- type residential buildings and houses are now being tested. The habitations intelligently designed not only to meet all energy needs of the building and the needs of the habitants and have surplus electrical power to sell. This has been made possible by optimizing the consumption of energy and capturing the sources provided by nature.

In our country, blessed by the Sun Power, I wonder what we are waiting for to follow! Is it the responsibility of the Ministry of Energy? Is there research going on this field? I knew a few years ago, Maurel had a go in manufacturing of Photovoltaic cells? Since, much progress has been achieved in the technology. Does MRC or the University follow up these technological progresses? Mauritian Entrepreneurs , Is there gold to be dug there?

To be cynical: Who cares? The sun keeps on shinning though!

Let the sun shine, let the sun shine, let the sun shine in! A melody I used to play on my guitar when I was a band leader in the second half of my glorious 60’s!


#1 Olivier on 10.04.06 at 5:27 pm

Sustainable development, renewable energy sources are going to prevail in a few years. A lot of money is being poured into related research into universities worldwide.

A problem right now is compliance to emission standards and energy usage. Countries like China do not want to co-operate and are actually facing ecological disasters everywhere.

Any solutions on the horizon?

#2 joseph on 10.05.06 at 4:07 pm

I would think that China will toe the line when the Chineses will feel the pinch. Can you convince the hungry and starving population of Africa to eat healthily?Their priority is different and in time their priorities will change.
Thanks for the comments.

#3 The Gift of the Sun at Joseph’s blog on 10.24.06 at 7:04 pm

[…] I mentioned earlier, that experiments and tests in Colorado US and many other places are being carried out to sell back to the power generating supplier the excess energy generated by the private home. The authorities, political leaders we pray, must have the foresight, vision, guts and will to drive these changes. Could Mauritius be chosen as a scientific pilot site scaled to a village or town? […]

#4 wesley on 01.24.07 at 2:27 pm

I like what you write and was just wondering who is Joseph… Are you from Mauritius?

#5 joseph on 01.25.07 at 9:05 am

Yes Wesley Thanks for the comment. Indeed I live in Sunny Mauritius where I bask in the clemency of good weather & sunshine almost the year round. No heater nor air conditioning needed by Summer or Winter!A gifted country!I have recently been reading on Wind Power in India (third biggest world wind power generating country) and else Geo thermal source of power!Today Bush gave in his speech his plan to reduce the reliance of the US on fossil fuel & to look into green energy ressources.

#6 Nanosolar or let the sun shines in at Joseph’s blog on 02.20.07 at 8:55 am

[…] Could we be daring enough to invite Nanosolar to roll out the technology and use the whole country as a Laboratory and a world show case of its products? Aren’t we blessed by the sun? Imagine the solar house generating its own source of energy and even supplying the grid network with its surplus.A whole village could be developed along this same concept. There after a whole island could follow. Can you now dream of a clean energy efficient island country? Why not the Nanosolar Island? […]

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