Shame on us! World class Entrepreneurs of tomorrow

Last week, I was watching on TV the African games which are being held at the Bambous stadium, featuring some world class athletes from the continent. My pride of my country turned into shame and horror.

The final of the 1500meters women was marred by a regrettable event. A large sun shade placed in the middle of the stadium was blown by the wind across the running track. The shade struck the runners. One of the world champions, a contender of the gold medal, was knocked down. She was thus unable to finish the race. I understood that this event was broadcasted live to a number of African countries and was covered by the world sports press. As a Mauritian I felt shameful.

Aucune autre concurrente ne put résister à l’accélération de l’Algérienne Nouria Benida Merah à cent cinquante mètres du but au 1500 m. Elle gagna détachée en 4’23″26, une victoire significative pour cette athlète qui retrouve le haut niveau après cinq ans d’absence pour cause de maternité et de blessure. La Ghanéenne Millicent Boadi ne put terminer la course après avoir été heurtée par un parasol qui avait été emporté par le vent.

Le Mauricien 12th Aug

I understand, the local press played low key on this issue and brushed up the event as an accident. I strongly ressent against the amateurish way, Mauritians act. Were there norms for fixing objects in the stadium to prevent such incidents?

There again is a blatant example where norms do not exist and the authorities do not think of norms and standard.

We want to become world class to compete in the future. Then, we need to adopt world class stardard and norms.

HIV & DRUGS in Mauritius

Last night,I had a lenghty discussion with Percy who was featured in the Apartes edition of 28 Jul 2006 wherein he exposed his viewpoints on the possible explosive situation looming ahead for Mauritius.

His view points:

  1. Growth of HIV of the past was brought by drug addicts who were using infected seringues.
  2. The scarcity of Gandia is bringing the drug addicts to Brown Sugar.
  3. The price of one dose of Brown Sugar is now lower(Rs 400 a shot) as the quality drops.
  4. Because of the low content of opium, the less potent Brown can only be administered by intravenous shots.
  5. Infected Drug Addicts are propagating HIV through SEX.
  6. Gandia smoking does not propagate HIV, Brown Sugar administered thru infested seringues does.
  7. The population of HIV infection is growing at exponential speed.
  8. We have reached a critical level as over 20 cases of HIV weekly now detected on pregnant women.
  9. The issue is not” what do We need to do?” Various models exist already. Holland & Switzerland have travelled along these roads before and are succesfully limiting the damages. When and how do we get the Government to act?

I, being not knowledgeable in the field, feel very much concerned with the problem. The future damage to society in Mauritius could be alarming.

How do we build up the public awareness and move the authorities to act?