Do you know GUY KAWASAKI?

For the last few hours today and last night, I have been reading Guy Kawasaki. I find his writing sensible and his various tips on presenting really worthwhile. A true marketer or Evangelist he could call himself sometimes. It is a pity, because of the speed of our internet service available in Mauritius, it is almost impossible to watch his video pod casted. Hope that the upgrade of the Mauritius Internet service is coming soon.

I immediately borrowed an extract of his writing to share with my net work of Toastmasters.

I recommend you to visit his blogs:

I have read him before in The Art of Start and am very pleased now to share with you an audio Pod cast.

May you enjoy discovering Guy Kawasaki! Do give me your feedback soon as you have enjoyed the audio document.




#1 aadil on 07.16.06 at 5:01 pm

I take it that you enjoyed the link I left in your Paul Graham post.

#2 Guy Kawasaki on 07.16.06 at 7:07 pm

Thanks for your kind words. Sorry that the connection isn’t fast enough for video. My best to you.


#3 Patrick Leong Son on 07.17.06 at 2:18 pm

Hi Joe,

Hope u r doing fine. Thanks for inviting me on your site. I was listening to the Guy Kawasaki audio. It looked interesting, ……. but for the buffering process which disturbed the listening. It makes it difficult to have a reasonable flow of listening and understanding.

#4 aadil on 07.17.06 at 8:37 pm

Wow! A comment by the famous Guy Kawasaki. I’m envious. 🙂

p.s it could have been some unknown wannabe entrepreneur blogger for all I know 😉

#5 joseph on 07.18.06 at 1:06 pm

I do now realise that the Mauritius internet connexion is so slow that even a low end straeming is painful.That is the reason I have included a download to the file by MP3. should be interested.
Thanks for reading me and also for dropping comments.

#6 joseph on 07.18.06 at 1:11 pm

Thanks for your notes and reading me…

#7 Shane on 07.21.06 at 6:14 am

I especially enjoyed the Art of the Start video:

#8 joseph on 07.21.06 at 9:54 am

Thanks Shane. Trust you are also a fan of Guy and read his blog regularly. Dommage video straming is tough in Mauritius with the bandwidth we can afford. We need to move for great speed of our download and @ lower cost. I had an unsatisfied answer to a question put to the Minister recently?

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